New Member
My son and I are shooting for Batman and Robin for the expo. He picks the costumes and its my job to make it happen. His original choice was Space Marines a la Warhammer 40k. Thankfully, he changed his mind. Haha
I'm from Edmonton (like Finhead) I'm a noob to costuming... but I thought I might be the only one in this area that was into this... good to know that there are like-minded individuals out there (even if they are in Calgary)
Seems Finhead and I are the only Edmontonians round these here parts.
And just for fun, and to show the importance of sizing things like helmets before expecting to wear them... Me wearing the helmet at default scale.
Keep up to date on my Iron Man Mark VI build!
Hey Canusracing,
I think that wicked has some good advice about the piles idea. If you go paper for the helm, I found the very worst part was the tiny, nanoscopic mobeus strips they try to make you use for the eyes! You don't need them and if you spend the hours trying to get them right, Surprise you just have to cut them completely off and throw them out after the resin and glass stage. On the subject of Foam finish vs. paper resin finish, I used a process that was never tried before, (yes very scary) on my foam suit with no test spot and it work out really well. There is a product called StyroSpray 1000. It is made in Texas by a group named Industrial Polymers. It has a 3 day pot life in a sealed container but cures on the suit in less than an hour. Take a close look at the smoothness of my Iron suit. That is a foam suit. I may even come back to paper and res for a new helm but you just can't seem to get that "movie accurate" bulk out of paper for the body.
I'm from calgary too! I am also building a iron man suit. I have got the helmet and chest peped so far. Unfortunately its to cold outside right now for me too start the resin and bondo stage. I will post a few pics tomorrow. Also the duct tape dummy... is there a tutorial for this?
How many other E-towners do you know of on the RPF boards? So are I've only met you.
Sherwood park Spidey here!! Love your Doc-Ock, should photo op some time