Calgary based iron man build


Hey everybody. Starting this topic now and will obviously keep it updated with pics etc.

I'm going to be building my own set of the ironman armor. I really like the mark iv armor, but I'm thinking I'll build the mark vi armor instead. Am planning on wearing it to comic con here in April, and possibly both the avengers premiere, and the new ironman 3 when it's released.

I just picked up some card stock today from staples. 250 sheet bundle for about $20. First piece I plan on pepping is the helmet. Most recognizable piece. Once I get a printer, hopefully on Friday, I'll let everyone know my progress.
Hey man. Good luck in your build. Just remember that all costume builds are a trial and error process. If fiberglass doesn't work out for you, look at the many threads on this site about foam iron man suits. I haven't tried foam so i can't help to much. If your using fiberglass just remember BONDO IS YOUR FRIEND! Good luck, ill make sure to watch for pictures.

:thumbsup Bob.
Also will be working on completing my girlfriends black widow costume to wear with me. If anyone has any ideas for helping me out, let me know!

She will probably shoot me if she ever finds out I posted this pic, but this is what we have as a starting point for her.
Hey I'm in Calgary too! I'm working on some reach stuff and N7 for myself. If you need a build partner let me know. I have a good lazer printer for pep files.

PM me
STOP!!!!! Take it from a first time Iron Man builder, Do Not start with the Helm!!!!!! trust me. You are taking on the most eye catching part of your build with zero practice. I did that and it just doesn't give you what you know you need for your dream to come alive. If you are iopen to a strangers advice try starting with the shins or the cod. that gives you a cool piece when you are done but doesn't give you a lopsided start to what could be the build of your life. Take a look at my threads. I started in paper pep and morphed into a foam build. I hit all the mistakes you are about to do!!!!!! My build took 6 weeks, 10-12 hrs a day, really 7 days a wk to complete. The resin and bondo stage will kill any neuro-typical person/ If you don't have Aspberger's or O.C.D you need to consider a foam build over paper. I bought the same ream of paper you just purchased and you will need it for foam templates but no-one should have to exacto out all thaose damned tabs and angles! It is far easier in foam cause you can simply scissor cut your patterns out.

I am sorry for the rant but I love having my completed armor and I hate to see guys burn out!
Haha thanks for the advice Zachary. I've thought about all that but I really don't like the look of the foam builds I've seen. As for starting with the helmet... Trust me when I say this is one project that I will not leave alone. I'm somewhat OCD when I've got something like this that I want to be absolutely perfect.

It is good to see other albertans on here. I thought I may have been the only one. Thankfully I'm not. Look for pms coming in guys!


Keep up to date on my Iron Man Mark VI build!
I also just started in the realm of building. I started with the head, and there is some truth to it being hard to start with. My suggestion is to pile all your parts in seperate piles depending the the number in majority on the peice. That makes it easier to find the peice your looking for. In looking for a place to start the numbers dont really matter, just grab one and go from that point.
Hey Canusracing,
I think that wicked has some good advice about the piles idea. If you go paper for the helm, I found the very worst part was the tiny, nanoscopic mobeus strips they try to make you use for the eyes! You don't need them and if you spend the hours trying to get them right, Surprise you just have to cut them completely off and throw them out after the resin and glass stage. On the subject of Foam finish vs. paper resin finish, I used a process that was never tried before, (yes very scary) on my foam suit with no test spot and it work out really well. There is a product called StyroSpray 1000. It is made in Texas by a group named Industrial Polymers. It has a 3 day pot life in a sealed container but cures on the suit in less than an hour. Take a close look at the smoothness of my Iron suit. That is a foam suit. I may even come back to paper and res for a new helm but you just can't seem to get that "movie accurate" bulk out of paper for the body.
I may even come back to paper and res for a new helm but you just can't seem to get that "movie accurate" bulk out of paper for the body.

I will have to disagree with 100% on that statement, I will say my build and Mat's(serial studios) build for 2 are better than any foam suit for movie accuracy. I also disagree with not starting with the helmet first, the first thing I ever peped was my Mark3 lid. Just because some people try and fail does not mean others will. ;)
Hey! I'm in Calgary too. I was wondering if there was some kind of community for this sort of thing or if I was the only person working away in their basement on this sort of thing.
Haha I'm also from Calgary. Who knew there was so many of us XD

Good luck with your build. I'm thinking it might be a little optimistic on your part to get a while Iron man done in 5 months though. That's a lot of work to do (especially in winter) when work like bondo-ing, fiberglassing, sanding and painting that needs to be done outside.
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Haha I'm also from Calgary. Who knew there was so many of us XD

Good luck with your build. I'm thinking it might be a little optimistic on your part to get a while Iron man done in 5 months though. That's a lot of work to do (especially in winter) when work like bondo-ing, fiberglassing, sanding and painting that needs to be done outside.

If you have proper ventilation in your work space you can work inside no problem. Do it all the time with my builds, just use a proper respirator and a ventilation fan. ;)
Hey I'm from medicine hat, which is just three hours away from calgary!!!!!! Maybe I'll see you guys at the con in april, I'll be rocking my daft punk costume there. Have fun on your build!!!!!!!!!
If you have proper ventilation in your work space you can work inside no problem. Do it all the time with my builds, just use a proper respirator and a ventilation fan. ;)

True... I forget not everyone has a tiny house, no garage space and an unheated shed like me ^_^;;;

I still don't like working with chemicals in the house. Even with a fan and respirator, I can't fit my cats with them and their little lungs can't take the abuse a larger animal like humans can.