Buck Rogers Starfighter final


Sr Member
much work went into this...I tried to keep everything like a studio effects model. The interior was kept simple. I did however sculpt the helmet on the pilot.
This is casts right from the studio molds. The markings were done in the computer. This is big... around 25 inches
That is totally amazing.. I loved that show...I have been looking for a studio scale starfighter kit for a while now. A casting of the original model is just too awesome.

I bet Dean's looks 100 times better than the ones used on the TV show.


[Edited because the author didn't know what he was talking about.]
Originally posted by PHArchivist@Nov 14 2005, 12:44 AM
That's awesome.  Nice finish work Dean.

Kit...?  Hadn't heard of this before...

That kit that Dean finsihed is one of 2 castings from the original forms. Only 2 made I was told. I have the other one.
Is this the same kit? >>That kit that Dean finsihed is one of 2 castings from the original forms. Only 2 made I was told. I have the other one. <<

There was a kit version of this. I think Jim Key tricked out a "studio" casting. Federation Models used to carry it.

Man I've wanted one for years.
Originally posted by cobywan@Nov 15 2005, 02:33 AM
There was a kit version of this.  I think Jim Key tricked out a "studio" casting.  Federation Models used to carry it.

Man I've wanted one for years.

Yeah...unfortunatly Jim sold the masters before I could get to them. I've tried to contact the new owner through Jim to no success.

(If your out there, new owner, drop me a line. ) :)
That's a really gorgeous job. Superb. excellent work.

I was totally blown away to find out that the Thunderfighter was the original concept for the Colonial Viper, but they changed it to the tri-wing dart design.

There's pre-production art showing the thunderfighter sitting behind Apollo and then a later version showing that the artist had painted out the thunderfighter and replaced it with the Viper we know today.

It might be really cool to get a monogram kit of the BR fighter and paint it up like a Viper somehow...

I have been looking for one of these for a while now. Anyone know if the pattern that was sold by, Jim Key I think, is in the hands of someone who wants to cast a new run?