BTTF Nikes - Working versions!


Sr Member
Did anyone else catch this on Ebay before the auction was pulled? Wish I had capped the whole page.





:eek For a moment there I could have sworn my feet almost orgasmed.


I hope someone has news.

Though they are nice. They are deffinatey NOT screen accurate. I'd love to see someone improve on his design.

<div class='quotetop'>(Jedifyfe @ Jun 22 2006, 01:14 AM) [snapback]1265664[/snapback]</div>
Though they are nice. They are deffinatey screen accurate. I'd love to see someone improve on his design.

did you mean NOT screen accurate?


still pretty darn cool.
I've seen them too. They aren't screen accurate but nevertheless cool done. On Tim Ketzer's site is a pic of the real McCoy...
Accurate or not, I'd love a pair. I would assume the auciton was Vero'd as the original auction number doesn't show as valid any longer. Guess I'll have to keep watching.
From looking at one of the blog sites it appears the guy running the online petition threw a hissy over these and contacted Ebay/Nike/Whoever to have them removed. At least thats the impression I got...


<div class='quotetop'>(SurferGeek @ Jun 22 2006, 01:08 PM) [snapback]1265990[/snapback]</div>
Accurate or not, I'd love a pair. I would assume the auciton was Vero'd as the original auction number doesn't show as valid any longer. Guess I'll have to keep watching.
power laces - they actually had a mat with teh shoes on them for the movie, with somebody underneath pulling the laces shut on que.

its in the commentary on teh dvd

but with technology today with the robotic adidas that adjust to your walking algorithms... i would imagine power laces would not be far off.