Borg Queen: costume under way.


Well-Known Member
Hey Gang

I was trying to do a cut and past of all the work being done on this but it would not take. Friend of mine on line over at the Colonial Fleet (
has started a massive project on building up the Borg Queen costume. This is a direct result of all the great info a lot of you provided to me here that was then passed on.

Her name is Damaris and is about the most determined person I think you will ever run into.

I will post up some pictures of here work, but even at the begining stage it is incredible. Follow this link
and it will take you to her pictures of the Life cast of her head being done up so she can start work on the sculpt. It is a fantastic tutorial with tons of pictures on how to do a lot of this, so unto itself is informative just on that. This is the very beggining stages but will turn out to become a fantastic costume.

Note, the only reason I am positng this up here for her is she wants to be able to show all of you what she is doing, in part to say thanks for all the help that was passed on. She is not a member of the RPF yetbut as soon as she can get onto the mebership list in June she will post up her own thread on this.

Again I will get a few pictures up of her work in a while, regretably the series of pictures she took on the head casting procedure wont cut and past.
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Sorry gang, I think the link to the Colonial fleet is on a mebers only part of the website now.

Here are a few quick pictures of the casting process. Note she was in the head casting process for like 5-6 hours. Here are just a few of the pictures.

Starting to apply mixture.



Making the mold backing

Cuting loose

Completed mold

next day. casting up

First cast before sanding. This will be what she will be using to do up her sculpt.

If you want the full details of what she is doing, a very hands on " how to " on mold making and life casting, check it out further at the Conlonial Fleet. I will post up more pictures of her progress here till she can get signed on as a member. She will be a worthy addition to the RPF.

In case your unaware of what she is going for here is a few pictures. Note Damaris is a stickler for exactness, so this costume will be done up as close to this as is possible. Her goal is for Dragon Con 09....but as to the gusto she has displayed on this allready...maybe she wll have it ready this year ! ??


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This will be a very kick @$$ project. As I said, she is a stickler for details by all accounts, so this will look very good.

Note she can see this thread but can not respond, so any questions anyone has I am sure she will answer, and then pass them back my way to post up here.

Thanks team.
Wow! I wasn't expecting it to start up so quickly! Hasn't registration just opened up again? I hope she can register soon, I'd love to see more of this process.
I met her at MegaCon this year...
I think she'll make an awesome borg queen... she has the perfect look for it. looks good so far, and i look forward to see some more!
To funny, you know more about her than I do :). Never met her, just on some of the same forums and have an affinity for costumes and props. We have chatted via message boards and it was obvious she was just a cool person. Will get to meet her this year at D-C hopefully ! .

But for sure she is a class act, no doubt :thumbsup
It looks like a simple costume, but you when you really start to analyze it, you notice all the small details that will make pulling this off an awesome feat. She certainly looks like she can pull it off and I think she'll set a bar that others will have a hard time meeting, let alone exceeding...
TK, thanks for posting this about your friend's efforts. I admire her tenacity. I hope she joins here soon so we can get updated regularly on her efforts.
No problem. I knew this would be something that a lot of us would be interested in seeing done up. She missed the last membership request that went out back in December, but she will get signed up very likly this June. I talk this place up a lot to people trying to get into the know, on prop building and for info. There might be better places on the web for this kind of talent....but if there is I have never found it. :thumbsup

I will keep posting stuff up till she can get set up here.
Hey Team

Just a quick note, Demaris has posted up some new pictures of hew work on the cast of her head. She was completing the sanding to get it smooth and symetrical so she can start to sculpt. I will get some of her pictures up on here over the next day or so. She is making a wonderful tutorial as a " How to " on her whole process. Will end up being very cool for new people to the hobby to see how this is done up and the level of determination it takes to make something happen.

More in a bit :thumbsup
Few more progress pictures. This is Demaris doing the sanding on th first cast so she can get it ready to do some sculpting




Most people never see themselves in 3d. They only see themselves on film, in pictures, or in a mirror, never in a 3d space. It must be pretty cool to actually work on a 3d version of yourself. I wonder what my reaction would be to something like that...
Looks like fun. I always wanted to do a lifecast of myself to do prosthetics of my own. It's so much cooler to wear makeup as opposed to a mask. Look forward to see progression of this costume.
Most people never see themselves in 3d. They only see themselves on film, in pictures, or in a mirror, never in a 3d space. It must be pretty cool to actually work on a 3d version of yourself. I wonder what my reaction would be to something like that...

I did a duct tape dummy once. Not quite the same, but it did successfully weird me out so much so I was beside myself.

Hell gang.. I'm finally able to post on these boards.. Thanks you Carter for directing me to this wonderful community :thumbsup I :love U.

It was difficult not being able to personally respond to all of these great suggestions and comments in the past few weeks.. but, I have been keeping track of every-ones post. :thumbsup

So without further a due... and for my very first post here on the PRF community.. I would like to offer an update of my progress: :)

Here's what I have accomplished last week... I'm also having such a hard time getting the Chavant clay to smooth out..

Time: 8:30 pm - 11:00 pm



This is a slow and meticulous process... but I do have high expectations for myself and as Carter has mentioned to you all.. Im very ambitious frakker :)