Bone-Hunter Gen.2 Bio. Primal Elder Helmet Mounted On Mask!

More on this fella. Maybe another day and I should be done. Just need to refine all the pain in the arse stuff like oh symmetry?
Its a bit off here and there but then again its not that much and its supposed to be Bone Helmet grown in a Lab by Bone Hunter rather than machine forged.

Below: Details that I wouldn't dare to put on the first Bone-Hunter. Now I know what silicone can do I can be more daring and go crazy... LOL


damn that is looking rather nice. You A- hole, quit making me want everything you make. I'm trying to save up for other stuff, damnit.

hey Mike are you going to do the skull sutures again for this version? i liked those in the first.
New website = New Content!

Here's Bone-hunter V2. Worked more on the fine details. U can't see much from the previous WIP pics but there are a lot of slight changes here and there.


OK The molding's done and here's the First casting of Bone-Hunter Gen2. Will be working on the rest of this project real soon!

I managed to talk to my inside man in Wayland Yutani Corp and found out the secrets of the Predator Invisibility Technology and I applied it to my Bone-Hunter Helmet. Here's what it looks like...



Oh By the way I was just kidding LOL. Obviously this is done with some Clear resin. The side cheeks shrunk a little bit so its got the "narrow cheek effect." There are some clear resin that went under neath the cheeks and froze in place so its got the "acid melt face effect" as well. I'm still perfecting the casting technique maybe use a sealed resin injection mold method.
Nice one Mike...did you slush cast the clear resin? Bonehunter 2 looks pretty awesome though. :)

Yeah this is slushed but its not working cuz it shrinks with each uncured liquid atop the cured resins. I was building up layers in the cheek areas and it made it shrunk inwards. This Polyester unsaturated resin is for fiber-glassing and without it there are a lot of shrinking and cracking issues. I also have to use less catalyst with each successive layers thru the slushing method because this thermosestting resin sets faster cuz of the heat from previous layers.
..And Thats why I'll have to figure out a sealed mold for poured in resins. I ain't got no sophisticated equipment like a pressure chamber so I got to do this old school.
Hey Uratz, Here's a video for a simple way to seal it, watch videos 2 and 3 from this guy.. might help you get an idea on how to do one for yours.... video 3 is the one about how to make the sealed mold for it..

hope it helps!
Hey Uratz, Here's a video for a simple way to seal it, watch videos 2 and 3 from this guy.. might help you get an idea on how to do one for yours.... video 3 is the one about how to make the sealed mold for it..
hope it helps!

Many Thanks to Fonz for that video. Gives me a good idea, should've planned the mold with the keys then I can lock into... LOL

Very nice Mike. How strong is that clear resin?

The clear resin is too strong, too rigid in thick layers which is why its bad for slushing around. There are also shrinking issues like I mentioned before. I think a less harder resin would work best.

and Ice working on it! LOL
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