Blade Runner surprise twist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Sr Member
You guys would never believe it but it turns out some people think Deckard was a Replicant the whole time. Can you believe it.
That was for you Brad.

I can't believe you guys went on for 12 pages about the R2/C3P0 in Raiders post. I'm sitting there reading this little spat and did not realize when I clicked on it until I got to the bottom of page 1 that it had 12 pages.

Could not resist having a little fun.
I wouldn't anticipate anything for a few years.That's if they get a decent script unless they decide to Forest Gump their way through the writing and just try to impress everyone with allot of lousy CG that looks lame and a bad script.I just hope if Ridley and the studios do decide to totaly go through with this and green light the project that they don't F*&^%$!@#$ it up,but I haven't allot of faith at this time.I still think there would be a monumental problem with developing a story.Ford is pretty old now,and I'm not sure how they could make a new one without at least incorporating him into it even just a little.I think the best way is a post Blade Runner movie because people want to see what became of Deckard(and possibly Rachael too).Problem is, Sean Young went off the deep end, burned bridges and torched her acting career for the most part.She has exhiled herself out of Hollywood now for the better part of the last 20 years(or close to it).New characters would need to be developed and a completely NEW story to start where it left off in the first film.Not as easy as it sounds because there are so many fans of this film, so the pressure is on not to F.U.B.A.R it.I think they waited 20 years too long to think about making another Blade Runner.If they were gonna do it,they should have done so in the early/mid 90's and not wait so long if they were serious about it at all.
You guys would never believe it but it turns out some people think Deckard was a Replicant the whole time. Can you believe it.

Oh, I'm glad you noticed. I...ummmm..think that Han Solo and Indy might also be skin jobs...they all look and sound the can't be a fluke.

I'm a bit worried that the guy on Cowboys and Aliens might also be one. They're everywhere.
Hold me, I'm scared. :confused
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You guys would never believe it but it turns out some people think Deckard was a Replicant the whole time. Can you believe it.

Why would anyone think that? They must be stupid. Everyone knows that Deckard was killed when he visited Tyrell and Tyrell sent out a replicant in his place.