Endings You Saw Coming But Were a Surprise to Almost Everyone Else


Master Member
What movies did you see the ending coming long before they were revealed?

The first I can think of are: The Usual Suspects and The Sixth Sense.

What are yours?
I try not to think ahead while watching, and stay in the moment. I did not see the end of The Village coming, but all my friends did.
I try not to think ahead while watching, and stay in the moment. I did not see the end of The Village coming, but all my friends did.
The only reason I knew the twist in The Village is because Shyamalan does cameos in his movies. So unless he was going to play a Native American Indian, which I knew wasn't going to happen. I knew what the deal was.
Figured it out early on.

Incredibles 2.
I new who the villain was as seen as she entered the room.
Twists are usually pretty easy to spot if you walk into the movie knowing/suspecting that it has one.

'The Sixth Sense' hit theaters when nobody had heard of M. Night Shyamalan and the movie had no big buzz around it. That's partially what made it so effective.
Twists are usually pretty easy to spot if you walk into the movie knowing/suspecting that it has one.

'The Sixth Sense' hit theaters when nobody had heard of M. Night Shyamalan and the movie had no big buzz around it. That's partially what made it so effective.

That, but also give credit where it's due: the film was cleverly filmed and "dialogued" to hide the fact that Willis' character was dead.
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