Blade Runner PKD Detective Special - RACprops


Well-Known Member
So after much much much waiting and anticipation my Coyle Blade Runner Blaster has finally arrived :D



So basically just laid everything out and started cleaning up the pewter, getting rid of the flash etc, never tacked a metal kit on this scale before (just a early 90's GW Dreadnaught I think hah) so its going to be a learning process.

anyway need to source some taps, also if anyone has any experience with Blueing the kit, Ive seen options for 'Pewter black' and 'Cold Blue' would be interested to hear opinions/experiances

will keep you posted on progress

till next time :)
So spent most of the weekend filing and sanding and filing, and sanding :p

waiting for the taps to arrive tomorrow so i can start getting the screws in it, might have overcooked it a bit on the receiver, some of the lettering on the left hand side is very shallow now, but hoping once i weather/black/blue/whatever it will bring back some of the definition





Till next time
Hey dude, I'm not filling, Im filing as in with a metal file ;)

Bit of an update today



got the black parts painted, need to sand back the ammo housing a bit, but its getting there, need to borrow my mates pillar drill to attach the bottom of the grip, been having a hard time getting the grip to all line up properly (also think i have mis-matched allen bolts compared to the pictures in the instructions) anyway its coming together and im still having fun which is the main deal :)

hopefully the Blueing stuff will arrive tomorrow and i can get the metal all treated and make a start on the electronics :)

Till next time
Sheesh Andy, you are working through this quicksharp!

I got my kit the other day too. Haven't started yet, waiting on a replacement part from Rich, but will get going very soon. Will be watching your progress, and hopefully posting mine.

Question, what tools did you use for your drilling and tapping? Hand held or with some sort of drill press??
I'm curious because I really just own a dremmel so will be buying tome tools.
hey dude

Ive been using a dremel in a drill press + a pin vice, though ill need to go borrow my mates large drill press tomorrow to do some of the longer holes in the grip.

out of interest what parts did you need to replace?
very nice work on this.:thumbsup I almost have two kits and have not finished one. so It Is indeed a pleasure to see one come together. have you drilled and taped your barrel yet?
hey dude

Ive been using a dremel in a drill press + a pin vice, though ill need to go borrow my mates large drill press tomorrow to do some of the longer holes in the grip.

out of interest what parts did you need to replace?

Thanks. I will probably have to buy (or rent) a drill press and it's about time I bought a good power drill anyway.

My receiver had some quite deep pitting, so i talked to Rich and sent him a pic. He is swapping it out with another one, and I am sending my piece back to he can melt it down.
It put a bit of a damper on my excitement when i opened my kit, but Rich has been extremely helpful and accommodating in sorting this out.
That moment a Tap snapped deep into the grip and you cant get it out? yeh that :/

Ouch, I hope you are able to drill it out or something.

As an update, I bout a drill press. Its a cheap hobbyists one that is build to take my dremel. I figure it will work for what I need. Just need to get all the correct drill bits now (Rich sorted out all the Taps for me).
Interesting that the bullets come as a single cast piece now. Mine came with brass shells and cast "projectiles". I've had my kit for some time and not started on it even. I probably need to get some small imperial taps as mine are all metric.

So after much much much waiting and anticipation my Coyle Blade Runner Blaster has finally arrived :D
Making more progress, its slow going, the instructions avaliable from Rich are really poor so its a lot of trying to guess the correct order of things and then checking and double checking to make sure its right, plus on a few occasions ive needed like 6 hands to hold parts in place while i assemble part so i can test operation heh





My hope is to have all the assemblies completed tomorrow before i head off to France for a couple of days work, then to Blue the metal once I'm back and get the electronics sorted and then finally weathering, becoming a bit of a slog but its great seeing it come together, and I do love the shame of this thing, its just beautiful to behold :), I think if it wasn't so expensive I'd buy another kit because id do a much better job building it since I know so much more now.

anyway Till next time
Your doing a fantastic job. the kit is definitely not one of the easiest kit's out there. hope you share your bluing part of the build. can't wait to see the finished piece.:thumbsup
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