Bird of Prey, Studio Scale.


Sr Member
Gone but not forgotten.
Anyone ever made/ found/ seen one of these? I know there's at least one studio scale Romulan warbird out there, but the owner had good connections.

Has anyone tried building the bird of prey? It looks pretty impressive. How does it compare to the actual model?
I think it is. I just picked one up from a board member and it is awesome. That GRP is some weird stuff though. I don't think it's 100% accurate but it is a sweet kit nonetheless.
Mine is pretty good - there are some bubbles here and there, but overall very nice. That resin is brittle. You wouldn't want to drop it.
There is a decent article on scratch building the Klingone BoP in the March 89 issue of Fine Scale Modeler. I can scan it if you want it. I just need to find my scanner first
You may want to do a web search for ST IV and Monterey Bay Aquarium. There was an exhibit there after the film opened, and a number of items, including whales, the SF GG Bridge forced perspective mini and the BoP were there... see if anyone here known to be in the Bay Area has shots or such too...

Also, the ST IV DVD has a few decent shots, but they're of the different versions of the ship (hero, detail scaled up, etc.)
ok...will try to get it on today or tonight.

Ok they are scanned. Someone want to host them? They are too big for WackyChimp
Clerval wrote:
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You may want to do a web search for ST IV and Monterey Bay Aquarium. There was an exhibit there after the film opened, and a number of items, including whales, the SF GG Bridge forced perspective mini and the BoP were there... see if anyone here known to be in the Bay Area has shots or such too...

Also, the ST IV DVD has a few decent shots, but they're of the different versions of the ship (hero, detail scaled up, etc.)
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Wow -- cool info! Had no idea of that display!
It looks like his website is down but the same guy that scratchbuilt the 24" BOP also lived around the Monterey area. During the exhibit he photo'ed the studio scale BOP...that's what he used as reference. I spoke to him years ago but don't know what he's up to recently (I think his name's Randy...something and he's a graphic designer).

Anyway, before he disappeared he sent me prints of all the shots he took. I'll have to dig them up, and scan them. Lots of details to examine. I've been meaning to start a studio scale BOP for many years now. Maybe this year.

There's also an article with drawings in the Dec 1990 FSM, on pg 62. I wrote it, in about '95. FSM took 4 years to publish it. I was kind of P.O.'d when that other article came out.