Batsuit: Arkham Origins V1

Re: Batman: Arkham Origins Costume

Looks fantastic but I would suggest a Arkham Cowl. Dark knight cowl doesn't go with the suit.

Very nice work sir. I was going to suggest the Arkham cowl also, I believe Coofunkcurly does one.

This is just awesome. Love the color!

Wow, I love that whole costume. Great Job. Looks even better than the one in Arkham Origins, especially because of your custom cowl.

Thanks guys. I completely agree about the cowl as it doesn't really go with the origins suit but it's all I had access to at the time. I spoke to Coofunkcurly about purchasing an origins cowl. I might do so in the future if I have the spare cash but in the meantime I'm thinking of attempting to craft my own out of foam or cardstock and then going over it in fiberglass resin and such. That will be my next project but I'm taking a little break as I spent all of October working on the suit and my wife is a little tired of it. Lol. I plan on printing up the pep files within the next few days to see how hard it is to assemble and to see if the stock print settings will fit without adjustment. I'll of course keep this thread updated. I also would like to get a proper set of pictures in a darker setting. A full lit bathroom isn't exactly the bat cave. ;)
Re: Batman: Arkham Origins Costume

image.jpgThought I'd have some fun with Art Studio on my iPhone to change the background. I don't have time right now to suit up and take pics in a cool urban location and I'd also like to wait till I have a better cowl and cape before I do that anyhow. Till then I might just try manipulating the images I have. Hope you guys like it.
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Re: Batman: Arkham Origins Costume

Looks absolutely fantastic, best foam Batman build I've seen.

What size foam did you use for the armor? Apologies if you mentioned it already, couldn't find it in the thread.
Re: Batman: Arkham Origins Costume

Looks absolutely fantastic, best foam Batman build I've seen.

What size foam did you use for the armor? Apologies if you mentioned it already, couldn't find it in the thread.

Thanks man! Appreciate the comment. The armor consisted of several different foam thicknesses.
Chest used 12mm.
Abs used 12mm and some 7mm.
Ribs 5mm
Biceps 12mm.
Triceps 7mm.
Gauntlets. 12mm, 5mm.
Shin guards 5mm and 2mm.
Leg armor 7mm and 5mm.
Neck armor 5mm and 2mm.
Shoulders 12mm
I think that's what I used.
Re: Batman: Arkham Origins Costume

Was thinking about making this costume over again to see how much easier if would be a second time around as well as to make some improvements to the build that I couldn't accomplish due to time constraints. I've also been approached by people whom are interested in purchasing a copy of my build. My question is if I should stick to using EVA foam or maybe I should try to use studier materials like sintra/pvc sheets... I was even considering using EVA and then using a fiberglass/resin topcoat. I dunno but I'm looking for a way to increase the lifespan of the costume so I would like some opinions from those that might have used these materials or methods. Thanks
Re: Batman: Arkham Origins Costume

EVA coated with fiberglass or any other coating I've heard of normally turns out to be a horror story. If you want a hard suit, start with a hard material, don't try to make something soft hard. You can always pad the inside of a hard material for comfort.
Re: Batman: Arkham Origins Costume

The suit looks very good, but I think you may need a more accurate cowl:)
Thank you. The cowl used currently is a store bought one. I plan to craft a more accurate one make myself via a pep file I found on this site.
Re: Reznor9 Batman: Arkham Origins Costume

Hey Jerry, can you post a pic of the back of your armor? Trying to figure out how to rig up a harness in the back. Also how do you keep the shoulders in place? I'm at that stage now. I'll work on the belt until I get a response. Thanks buddy.
Re: Reznor9 Batman: Arkham Origins Costume

Hey Jerry, can you post a pic of the back of your armor? Trying to figure out how to rig up a harness in the back. Also how do you keep the shoulders in place? I'm at that stage now. I'll work on the belt until I get a response. Thanks buddy.

Sure thing Floyd. I'll snap a pick when I get home.
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