Batman Arkham Asylum Armor Update 4/5/12 Convention Pics Added

Re: Batman Arkham Asylum Armor Updated 10/26/10 Costume ready for Halloween! pg. 6

that is super badass. Holy crap. i love matt black too.

Very very nice work
Re: Batman Arkham Asylum Armor Updated 10/26/10 Costume ready for Halloween! pg. 6

You can still make it work as a Batman. Just buy a cheap batman mask and cut a chest emblem out of fabric or foam.
Re: Batman Arkham Asylum Armor Updated 10/26/10 Costume ready for Halloween! pg. 6

Here's a bit of an overdue update. As I load these pics, I realize I didn't take as many as I wished I did. I was too focused on getting it finished in time.

Here's the chest and leg piece ready to be molded. I did a 60/40 split on the mother molds, which seemed to work pretty well.


Due to lack of time and the boot covers already starting to get bulky, I (reluctantly) eliminated the side details. I don't think you're missing much in the final product, though. Especially since it's all flat black.

I used smooth cast 300 and 325 for the shoulders, forearms and boot covers. Task 13 for the chest piece for some added flexibility. I'm very pleased with how well all the pieces fit. My tedious measurements payed off! :)

Everything is attached using suspender elastic and pop rivets. The boot cover was getting too bulky, so I cut off some of the plastic near the bottom and tapered it up. this exposed more of the boot. you can probably see it if you look closely at my previous post with pics.


And of course some final pics of the night out with the additional proper attire of underwear on the outside of my tights!



When I get the other pieces finished up I'll take better pics of the full suit. I hope you like and thanks for looking.
Re: Batman Arkham Asylum Armor Progress Update 11/04/10 w/Halloween Pics

Looks great! And the full suit is going to be something to see.

On a side note: who knew Freddy Krueger could be sexy? ;)
Re: Batman Arkham Asylum Armor Progress Update 11/04/10 w/Halloween Pics

On a side note: who knew Freddy Krueger could be sexy? ;)

I know, right?

By the way the bat emblem is craft foam. I tested e6000, 3m spray adhesive and a few other things. Nothing was holding my test pieces down. The emblem would pop off at the corners where the chest is curved. The e6000 was taking too long to set and the spray adhesive just didn't seem strong enough to hold it down. Finally I tried out hot glue and it worked great. Plus, I can peel it off now and not worry about any mess to clean up or damage to the chest piece.

Ultimately, I will be making a permanent one.
Re: Batman Arkham Asylum Armor Progress Update 11/04/10 w/Halloween Pics

That looks sick, Weapon!
Are you going to keep the armor black? Or paint it to match the game?
Again, it looks great!
Re: Batman Arkham Asylum Armor Progress Update 11/04/10 w/Halloween Pics

That looks sick, Weapon!
Are you going to keep the armor black? Or paint it to match the game?
Again, it looks great!

Thanks for the compliments everyone!

My first suit will be all matte black. I'll aim for a more game accurate color scheme afterward. I'm very inexperienced with painting and I'll probably have to pick up new equipment (eg air brush, paint spray gun, compressor) and do quite a bit of testing and practice before I get the 'final' game suit created.

I'm going to try and get all the other pieces finished for Emerald City Comicon this coming March. Not sure if I can with all the other things I'm looking to do.
Re: Batman Arkham Asylum Armor Progress Update 11/04/10 w/Halloween Pics

Every detail is so crisp and clean. It looks absolutely amazing and the black finish makes it looks all the more beautiful!
Re: Batman Arkham Asylum Armor Progress Update 11/04/10 w/Halloween Pics

I thought the Panther suit was my favorite suit I've seen but after hauling it around on my body all Halloween weekend I think yours is now my new favorite. It looks comfortable and light compared to the Panther I own. AWESOME. I want it.
Re: Batman Arkham Asylum Armor Progress Update 11/04/10 w/Halloween Pics

The paint job does not do justice to the amazing pieces you fabricated for this costume. The paint definitely needs a bit more flare than flat black. Particularly the gauntlets. Those would really pop with a galvanized steel paint job.
Re: Batman Arkham Asylum Armor Progress Update 11/04/10 w/Halloween Pics

The paint job does not do justice to the amazing pieces you fabricated for this costume. The paint definitely needs a bit more flare than flat black. Particularly the gauntlets. Those would really pop with a galvanized steel paint job.

Thanks for the compliment!

I do think it looks good flat black but as you're saying, a lot of the look and detail gets lost. With a good paint job, I think it will look even better.
Re: Batman Arkham Asylum Armor Progress Update 11/04/10 w/Halloween Pics

I've gotten some questions asking if I'll be selling the armor. The short answer is yes. But I don't know how long it will be.

I'm going back and rebuilding my Wolverine claws from scratch and want to get that finished as soon as possible.

Once I've done that, I'll come back to the armor and work on the other pieces that need to be built and figure out a relatively time effective way to make the pieces when I'm going to sell them.

Slush casting has worked fine but takes too much of my time. I'll probably build some two part molds so I can just pour them and walk away. But I have very little experience in making two part molds, so there will be some R&D before everything is finished and I make armor available for sale.
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