Axanar - Crowdfunded 'Star Trek' Movie Draws Lawsuit from Paramount, CBS

Got to love it when someone keeps missing all of the points

:popcorn Apparently it is the IP holder's fault when some one else abuses their property.....
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Yeah, I mean, don't get me wrong. I'm not excusing the drastic dip in quality of Trek films after First Contact. Insurrection? Nemesis? These were crap. And JJ Trek...isn't Trek. But be that as it may, the law says that a rights holder can pretty much destroy their own work if they want to, and no amount of fan complaining will fix it.
That's why we have to vote with our wallet!

Yeah, I mean, don't get me wrong. I'm not excusing the drastic dip in quality of Trek films after First Contact. Insurrection? Nemesis? These were crap. And JJ Trek...isn't Trek. But be that as it may, the law says that a rights holder can pretty much destroy their own work if they want to, and no amount of fan complaining will fix it.
Yeah. It's the digital wing of a libertarian political magazine. Inosfar as anyone is interested in where this case is headed, what the applicable legal precedents are, and how a court is likely to rule on this case...this publication is not worth reading.

If you want to talk about what you think "ought" to be the way that copyright law works, knock yourself out. But these folks aren't dealing with the law as it is.
Yeah. It's the digital wing of a libertarian political magazine. Inosfar as anyone is interested in where this case is headed, what the applicable legal precedents are, and how a court is likely to rule on this case...this publication is not worth reading.

If you want to talk about what you think "ought" to be the way that copyright law works, knock yourself out. But these folks aren't dealing with the law as it is.
More like the nut wing of the libertarian movement. I've gotten far too analytical in my old age to read rags of any stripe. I haven't been able to sit through cable news, either, for over 10 years now.
After seeing when Discovery takes place you have to wonder if part of them going after Axanar is the fact that it takes place in roughly the same time and even has one of the same characters. I'm surprised a prop store is helping them.
I talked to Richard Hatch at Dragon Con this past weekend, and he seemed pretty certain that Axanar is still going to happen. While I hope he's right and something gets worked out, I have my doubts.
So... auctioning official Trek stuff to line the pockets of the production that's already been told to stop profiting from the Trek brand?
There's poking the bear, and then there's poking him with a rattle-snake while spitting in his face just after you crapped in his cave.

And they'd already filled that cave with crap. This is a major conflict of interest to say the least.
I am shocked that his legal team is letting him do this.

Not to mention they violated TOS for several things in sending the email about the auction to their donor list and could potential face a lawsuit about THAT as well.
I am shocked that his legal team is letting him do this.

Not to mention they violated TOS for several things in sending the email about the auction to their donor list and could potential face a lawsuit about THAT as well.
You are shocked? :lol
Since day one they have poked the bear and continued to go against logic and reason. They think they are above the rules and I still think they believe they have a case and that Paramount will end up backing down and bowing in defeat.

The harder they push and the longer they drag this out, the worse it will be for them in the end.
I'm not shocked that they are doing this. (Well, 'he' really moreso than any 'they'.) I am shocked that his legal team has not forced him to stop. And several of the members of the production team have said even as recently as at DragonCon that yes, it is going to be made. I'm not sure if it's stubbornness or just delusional insanity at this point.
I am shocked that his legal team is letting him do this.

I don't think he is operating with that much reason & restraint. He probably wouldn't obey his own legal team's advice any more than he will obey Paramount's commands.

Some people just don't have moral principles. They only respond to force. It seems that Peters feels entitled to do whatever he wants (read: make all the money he can) off ST. He knows he hasn't been stopped yet. So he continues doing what he wants no matter how egregiously offensive and bear-poking it might be.

IMO the Trek hobby would be better off in the long run not trying to minimize the damage he causes anymore. Let him identify himself as the source of the problems.

Paramount needs to swat him. The rest of the ST hobby needs to tell Paramount they want him swatted.
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