Avengers Costume Changes

Doesn't loki dies at the end of the movie Thor ?
Um...no. We see him on Midgard/Earth talking to Erik Selvig. He is so not dead, dude. And I have found pictures of the New Armor that Loki wears, there isn't a ton of pictures yet. But someone did get some blurry video of him on set. The new armor looks Awesome!! And his other outfit, (which was in the original post) Looks just as cool as his other costume in THOR.
It is not easy trying to make armor when you only have a picture of one side of it.
I would also be very interested in a pepakura file of the new MK VII. I have some experience unfolding peps so if anyone is going to model it I would be glad to help unfold it.
I agree with what was said earlier- lets see some official promotional pics of the new suits, especially Cap's, before we start bashing it. It's like comparing a final essay to a rough draft. It hasn't been polished yet. But so far, I do like the new suits. I like Thor's exposed arms, and Cap's suit.
I am fine with all of the costume updates EXCEPT the modern Cap costume. It doesn't look functional at all and went completely against the TFA theme, I hope they redesign it for CA2. The Mk7 is growing on me and while I'm still not a fan of the exposed silver on the thighs, the booster pack on the back more than makes up for it in coolness factor and I'm glad they went back to a round chest RT. The rest of the costume updates are really just that - updates. Namely Thor and Black Widow. Thor's costume is essentially 90% the same as before. Mjolnir's update is ok, thought they could've moved ahead w/o changing Mjolnir but the update is pretty minor. Loki's costume has had significant change but the overall theming is similar to his last outfit so I'm ok there, he actually looks more badass with the Avengers outfit because it looks more ragged. Lastly they should've just stuck to Hulk's original pants, but hey, I guess if you got to sell some toys, you gots to sell some toys!
If you don't mind spoiling part of the movie for yourself, there are some great high-res pictures of Loki at these links, with a great look at Thor's costume as well.

UPDATE #2: Principal Cast Of The Avengers Spotted Together On NYC Central Park Set!

UPDATE: More Images From The Avengers' NYC Set With Main Cast; Scene Details!

Thank you for more links of some great pictures. I have been going over Loki's new costume and armor like crazy. I just hope that mine will come out looking just as cool. Save for the linked video, there are no pictures of the front of Loki's Armor, at least not a very good ones any way. :)
Sporkey :thumbsup Thanks! These were a big help. Kudos!! If anyone else continues to find anything, post what ya got, it'd be much appreciated.
I'm in the process of making the unarmored version of Loki. My intentions are to have it ready by Dragoncon, in fact, I am even growing my hair out.

So far, I have about half the things I need to start. A leather trenchcoat that will be the base of the outer jacket, leather pants, and I just got done making up some templates for the metal pieces(which I am not sure what I am making them out of), which btw, is a pain, as there are only so many shots of the shoulder armor, I almost had to make up a design. I have the materials for the inner tunic, part of the sleeves and the boot covers. I've been trying my damndest to start this, but I keep getting caught up in work. Glad I am at least gathering the appropriate items to start this.

While I like the armored version, I just find the unarmored version more appealing to me to make. Plus, I can still carry the staff he uses, as he has it in the trailers.
Lokis shoes look cheap. Like someone wrapped some fun foam around a sneaker and riveted it together.


And why do Caps pants have zippers on the thighs? What possible purpose does that serve?
Does anyone have any good pictures Loki's helmet from The Avengers from many angles (ESPECIALLY the back and sides)??? It would be very much appreciated :) thanks guys
Is it just me or does he kind of look like a young Jim Carrey in that picture. lol I'm thinking Cable Guy:
I hate all the bright blue on Cap's costume. It should have been darker or something. I'll never get used to it.

As for Chris Helmsworth's new Thor costume, he bulked up so much for the Thor movie AFTER the costume was finalized, he kept losing circulation in his arms. Not a surprise this one looks baggy.

Still can't stand Johansen as the Black Widow. She looks like she's trying too hard. Unlike Kate Beckinsale in Underworld, she just doesn't have "it". Whatever the difference is, she just seems uncomfortable in her skin or like she's trying to butch up all the time.