Audrey 2 Open Mouth Build-Ups: New Pics Page 3


Sr Member
Time to get these bad boys started! All for the prep work has been done and they're ready to paint. I will start the paint process this week and will post pics of my progress.

Here's the kits prepped and ready to go!

Let the fun begin! :)

-B89! :D
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Re: Audrey 2 Open Mouth Build-Ups

oh good, I'll follow along :).

I have the interior of the mouth painted, but I have had so many other projects on the block that I haven't got past that.

Looking forward to see how you attach the head to the stem.

Re: Audrey 2 Open Mouth Build-Ups

"Looking forward to see how you attach the head to the stem."

Well, here's where you're going to find out! ;)

I've gotten the sub-assembly done on the open mouth versions. If you have this kit, here's how I'm putting mine together...

I recommend pinning the top and bottom halves of the head to strengthen the bond. Here's how I went about doing it.
First I dab a small amount of paint where I want the pins to go and carefully put the two halves together. The paint dots will transfer to the other half showing you where to drill.

I used a large paperclip to pin mine but any small fairly stiff wire will work.

Once glued together I drilled a hole in the center of the back of the head for the stem.
(sorry, the flash kept washing out the detail)

You'll also need to trim a little off the tip of the stem.
(this pic shows the before (L) and after (r) trimming)

You'll want to have the tip of the stem flush with the back of the inside of the mouth. This will also give you a base to pin the tongue into as well.


(Thanks WC for hosting!)

Next will be the painting. Just as a note, I will be painting the tongue & pallets before mounting them in the mouth.

Stay tuned, kids!
-B89! :D
Re: Audrey 2 Open Mouth Build-Ups

Sorry for the delay in updates. I've had a small setback with my airbrush compressor... it died. :cry I've got a buddy who's going to let me use his so I should be back on track with this very soon.

More updates to come!
-B89! :D
Re: Audrey 2 Open Mouth Build-Ups

Itching to get going on mine, but am swamped with work.... Will get to it soon hopefully!
Re: Audrey 2 Open Mouth Build-Ups

Looking forward to the paintjob. I've been staring at screencaps and I can't decide on which color is the bascoat and what order to paint the rest.

The basecoat looks like it might be yellow that fades to purple, but it's hard to tell.

Re: Audrey 2 Open Mouth Build-Ups

From the original closed mouth Audrey II thread, this is the best pics of the colours I've been able to find anywhere:

Re: Audrey 2 Open Mouth Build-Ups

Great reference! I've got some additional reference for the inside of the mouth I'll post when I start the painting.

I'm waiting for one more closed mouth from Doug I need to complete my buildup orders then I'm heading to my buddy's to start the painting.

I know it's not much of an update but I want to keep all those who have orders with me posted on what's going on. :)

-B89! :D
Re: Audrey 2 Open Mouth Build-Ups

Oh sure, make me look like the slacker.


Seriously, I'm on vacation this week and I'm getting virtually NO workshop time. The kids are keeping me tied in knots. I have the resin. I just need to pour the last closed mouth for you.
Re: Audrey 2 Open Mouth Build-Ups

"Oh sure, make me look like the slacker."

Not at all, buddy! Having my compressor crap out on me has set me back more than anything. You're still the man! :)

-B89! :D
Re: Audrey 2 Open Mouth Build-Ups

Here's the latest... I'm biting the bullet and buying a new air compressor to replace my dead one this weekend so I should have some painting updates starting next week.

I'm really sorry for the delay but I should be back on track with these very soon.

-B89! :D
Re: Audrey 2 Open Mouth Build-Ups

Here's the latest...

The stems are done and ready to go. I will be starting on the heads tomorrow and should have all the orders for "Painted Only" ready to ship out by the end of next week with the full buildups to follow shortly afterwards.

(Thanks WC for hosting!)

More updates to come!
-B89! :D
Re: Audrey 2 Open Mouth Build-Ups

Here's the latest...

I have the base color laid in on the outside of the Audreys, (the closed mouth included but not shown). The inside of the mouth along with the deatil parts are almost done. I'll take more detailed pics with the parts in place once I get these completed.


As I mentioned in my last post, I hope to have the painted kits ready to ship by the weeks end. :)

Stay tuned!
-B89! :D
Re: Audrey 2 Open Mouth Build-Ups

Thanks, bro! :)

Here's the finished paint for the pod head and inner mouth detail. All the Audreys, (including the closed mouth), are painted and detailed. (These show the parts in place inside the mouth , they are not glued in place)




(Thanks WC for hosting!)

All that's left on them is to paint on the green veins on the pods. I will have the painted kits ready to ship by the first of next week, Tuesday at the very latest. I'll PM the recipients as the go out. The full build-ups should be ready to go out by Friday of next week!

Thanks again to everyone for your orders and patience!
-B89! :D
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Re: Audrey 2 Open Mouth Build-Ups: New Pics of Painting Up! Page 2

Wow! These look fantastic. Can't wait to get mine. My Maxwell House coffee can is waiting.
Re: Audrey 2 Open Mouth Build-Ups: New Pics of Painting Up! Page 2

Looking good, Barry!

I can't tell from the photos but does the paint scheme on the head match the closed mouth versions you built last year?
Re: Audrey 2 Open Mouth Build-Ups: New Pics of Painting Up! Page 2

Thanks, guys!

Doug, it does match the original closed mouth version. I had mine sitting beside me for reference as I painted these. :)

-B89! :D
Re: Audrey 2 Open Mouth Build-Ups: New Pics of Painting Up! Page 2

WOOOWWW! Nice paint!! I'm sooo watching this thread!
Re: Audrey 2 Open Mouth Build-Ups: New Pics of Painting Up! Page 2

man..... now that i see the final paint on the open mouth version, it makes me wish i had help off on the closed mouth version on the first run :( being an adult and paying bills sucks