Assault Phaser: MiM Resin Cast


Well-Known Member
Got this for myself over Christmas when we stopped into Monsters in Motion. Claimed it was cast from a hero prop on their website, Onogiri or anyone know about these claims?
Due to the mold separation lines, the top was a bit sunken and came out concave. Molding was overall 8 out of 10. A couple of pinhead bubbles, little flash, and a couple of bits of blue foam in the resin that looked like packing peanut foam (only about 1mm or so in size).
Do you think its a recast of a Master Replicas? Kinda strikes me so

This was waaay out before MR even announced theirs. For $49, it's a good piece. Is Marecki's phaser very accurate? I'm thinking R Coyle did the screen props correct?
Is Marecki's phaser very accurate?

Yes, AnsonJames is correct, you have a recast of Ed Marecki's phaser. Ed's earlier castings were very crisp and never would have needed the amount of bondo you are using. Not fullly accurate to the ST5 phaser but they looked better. In ST6 fiberglass phasers were used to kill Gorkon and the other Klingons and Ed's phasers were used at the end of the film when the bad guys were rounded up.

I used to have two of Ed's assault phasers and was fortunate to examine a fiberglass ST6 phaser.

I'm thinking R Coyle did the screen props correct?
He was one of several who worked under Greg Jein in ST6.
Yes, AnsonJames is correct, you have a recast of Ed Marecki's phaser. Ed's earlier castings were very crisp and never would have needed the amount of bondo you are using. Not fullly accurate to the ST5 phaser but they looked better. In ST6 fiberglass phasers were used to kill Gorkon and the other Klingons and Ed's phasers were used at the end of the film when the bad guys were rounded up.

STL Kid/Haggis Finger,

Thanks for the information! I'm learning something new each day.

So this is yet another MIM recasting job. Nice.....

STLKid said:
AnsonJames is correct, you have a recast of Ed Marecki's phaser. Ed's earlier castings were very crisp and never would have needed the amount of bondo you are using.

I had no idea this was a recast. There has been little on the ST V/VI "Assault Phaser" regarding MiM's offering. I would have otherwise taken a pass on this. This will officially be my first recast.

I just want to make sure of something though, in order to be a recast by definition, it would have to be something cast illegally or without permission of the original artist/company correct? So... when did Marecki offer this phaser for sale?
I believe you can still purchase them from him

Unfortunately at this point, I can't return the phaser to MiM for a refund. Can someone send me Marecki's information via PM? I'd be interested in an original.
One thing I learned many years ago as a manufacturer when MIM first opened shop is that they use the initials of the caster for their stock number..and it appears they still figure out what company has the intials THM and you have your caster

First coat of Mr. Surfacer 1000


Opposite side with Mr. Surfacer 1000. Thinned with lacquer thinner it's a bit toothie, may ad a few more parts thinner next time.

Decided to stop obsessing with the pinholes and seams on the back strap. Getting tired and thinking I'll stop short of making this a near "hero" like prop. Let's see what the first color coat shows us.
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I was at MIM last month when I went to LA, I checked one of these out, it was pretty decent, and not that expensive
16MAR09 Progress...


Shot 1


Lighting from a different angle.

Black is soooo hard to photograph correctly with a point-and-shoot camera with no manual exposure control or even exposure lock. But you get the idea.
You didn't know it was a recast and you bought it in good faith and now you own it so you have to make the best of what you have. And judging from the pics, you have! :thumbsup