arkham knight research thread

20150702_061408.jpgOk for some reason my images are not loading now, the second part of my update is that I am starting to look at the grenades, ive looked at buying some replica ones but they are a little expensve so instead of making them from pepakura I am going to try using a can of monster energy drink as a base and see how I get on with that, obviously the can on its own is not very strong so I plan to resin and filler inside to strengthen the can so it doesnt get crushed. Plus its probably not a good idea to travel through london underground nd carrying accurate replica grenades ;-)
Will try sorting out a couple of pics later.


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getting to a point now where i need to start making decisions and sticking to them, chances of getting the jacket made to my high standards seems unlikely and very expensive so going to put it on the back burner, i have found a motorcycle jacket that has the closest look ive seen in the 6 months ive been looking, so thinking i will probably get this and add in a couple of straps where needed,
what do you guys think?
A little bit more progress, kind of. Ive decided on a smaller can of energy drink to act as the carcass of the grenade, which I will coat the inside of with resin filler mix to strengthen the walls
I couldnt sleep last night so decided to work on the fuse mechanism at the top of the grenade and came up with a basic model on 123D design
I transfered this to pepakura and then copied it out onto paper using the point to point measurement too (still have no printer) and managed to put an acceptable paper model together, I am thinking of making the final piece from some timber offcuts I have lying around.
From the measurements of the can and fuse body I drew up a template for the trigger and pin that will be transfered to metal.
I will probably use a nail cut to length for the hinge and I have a few various split pins that should do for the safety pin and ring
With any luck when finished it should look like this
And another update, found some time so trimed a bit of timber to match the paper fuse mechanisnm and think it came out ok
20150705_164057.jpg(sorry for the bad pic my battery was almost dead)
I have both cans lined with resin body filler mix, once they had cooled down I sanded them down and filled most of the low spots sanded down again and sprayed with filler primer ready for a final sand
And remember; the Arkham Knight's suit/costume is meant to be a slight modification of one of the batsuits so different parts maybe very similar to what batman would of or is using on his suit, such as the ears are from one of the suits that Lucius Fox produced for Bruce and the idea of the helmet having tech inside. I would think that there wouldn't be a 'exact' patten for the trousers and I am loving the 'plating' work, great work so far.

arkhampouch.JPGjust bought these for the pouches, i know they are not perfect but they are the right size i want and look good, and most importantly i can fit my phone in it.
Can you post the links to some of the stuff you've found? Like the jacket and the pouches? It just seems like a research thread should have the info available lol

the gloves are a cheap pair from ebay that are not available from that seller any longer, im not 100% happy with them but at this point i have too many other things to get done and worry about.

jacket not found any local stockists yet but it is - Rev it GTR air textile jacket can be bought online here=

the boots i picked up at a local army surplus store

while i am working on the grenades i am planning to also work on the grenade holster and make a decision on the leg and ab straps.
Well its almost midnight here im bored walking the dog coz I cant sleep, keep going over and over in my head what I have left to do so figured I would just pop in with an update/status post.
Chest - ready for paint
Back plate and spine pieces - read for paint
Shoulders - one being sanded and one still to print and pep.
Biceps - both to print and pep
Gauntlets - approx 60% 3D printed and assembled courtesy of Fawbish
Handplates - ready for paint
Grenades - body ready for paint, fuse box being printed with the gauntlets, trigger and pin still to be finalised
Shins - both still to print and pep
Helmet - purchased from Uratz studios, hoping it will arrive in time but not holding my breath. (Still want to try get everything else ready though)
Jacket - found a jacket I can work with, wont be perfect but can live with 75% accuracy.
Straps and clips on abs and legs - going to use some tiny ratchet type straps or something similar, want to use these to put my mark on the outfit by the same look as the game character whilst being diferrent at the same time.
Belt and buckle - going to trymake the buckle accurate but not sure how yet.
Grenade holster - I think black straps from a set of tiny ratchet straps will work for this I just have to get some and put it together.
Trousers - not too sure what I am going to use yet, I just know I want something light and breathable but at the same time have a military look to them.
Boots - I have a pair I bought from an army surplus store, fairly expensive so dont really want to start putting holes in them for the straps so either need to figure a way of attaching without damaging the boots or just forgwt about the boot straps

Will get a few pics tomorrow of everything I have ready. Also will be phoning a couple of local guys to get quotes for the paint job on everything.

- - - Updated - - -

Oh and the pouches, bought from ebay and should arrive in a day or two
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If you guys think of anything ive forgotten or might not have thought about please let me know. So far I consider this cosplay ( which has been in the making for about 7 months now) to be a collaboration / team effort and want to thank Bandiet for the amazing work he put into the files Fawbish for the time he has put in and his honesty in regard to his abilities ( which he has seriously underestimated)
And thank you to everyone else who has offered their opinion / insight it has all been a great help. There is still a lot to get done but I think I can get it all done by my target of the first week in october ready for mcm london on saturday 24 october.
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the pouches arrived this morning, i ordered 8 of them but not i have it in my hand i think thats too many as it is a little wider than i thought so will probably only use 3 on each side, on the plus side though, not only does my phone fit perfectly even with the case on it, i can also fit my wallet and my camera in the pouches so now i dont need to worry about where im gonna keep that stuff.
when i get chance to go out to the garage i will get a pic of everything i have ready,
Managed to get most of the grenade holster done today, took all day as I had no help so had to keep holding parts in place and try to pin it together at same time, despite this impretty happy considering I havent used a needle and thread since I was at school a lifetime ago, still have to make the grenade hholders and attach them to the harness, should have it finished tomorrow so I can cross it off the list.

And as promised a pic of all the parts that are done ready for painting
Thanks for the shout out mate and the compliment. No point overselling myself, it's all about being honest as it doesnt benefit anyone at all in the long run - better job I do for you the more likely someone else might want to use me! And of course its just bloody good fun and great to be a part of it mate. Thanks for trusting! Just getting some acetone delivered this week and the remaining welding should be complete by the end of the week! Then its getting it smooth time. Determined that my parts wont be last! haha.
Thanks for the shout out mate and the compliment. No point overselling myself, it's all about being honest as it doesnt benefit anyone at all in the long run - better job I do for you the more likely someone else might want to use me! And of course its just bloody good fun and great to be a part of it mate. Thanks for trusting! Just getting some acetone delivered this week and the remaining welding should be complete by the end of the week! Then its getting it smooth time. Determined that my parts wont be last! haha.

no fear of being the last parts mate, with all his constant redesigns uratz is seeing to it that his helmet is the last to arrive, (if it ever does)
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