Batman: Urban Knight (Arkham Knight)

Clearly this is not your first rodeo. Very clean and well assembled. Also you’ve applied the carbon fiber sticker sheet without any creases. Used a heat gun? Very well done.
Clearly this is not your first rodeo. Very clean and well assembled. Also you’ve applied the carbon fiber sticker sheet without any creases. Used a heat gun? Very well done.
I did use a heat gun.

This is my first time doing 3d printed parts. I've been doing scale modeling since I was a kid, so just look at it as a 1:1 scale model with no instructions. The hardest part has been trying to figure out how to attach the various parts together and to the body. I have done two costumes before that were designed specifically for cosplay. Deadpool and Ironman in EVA Foam.


ironman me.jpg
Here's nearly all the parts laid out. I have spats for the boot to finish up yet. One more coat of paint and the elastic. I'm printing thigh pieces right now that are from the Origins outfit. I'll use those until I come up with a muscle suit. I also bought a cape off Amazon. I really haven't had time to learn to sew (but do have a sewing machine). The cape actually isn't bad for just having a cape for the outfit. Just sucks to cover up all of the back pieces, but I knew that would happen. Ultimately, I'll probably print a new helmet at 100% (I printed this one at 102%). I want to go with different gauntlets I think. I'm not crazy about how I wear them with the sweatband. I might be able to modify these though by cutting the backside up. Will see. I'm sure we've all been there..............."I wish I had done this different". Given the amount of work I've done, I may try to do something with the costume outside of Halloween and Cosplay. Maybe visiting the Children's Hospital. Will have to look into that.
Well, the costume made it's debut Saturday. I had also printed up some Origins style thigh pieces, but found that I couldn't sit with them, so was unable to use them. Also had some issues with the thigh/calve guards hitting the spat portion for the boot, so left the spats off. I'll need to secure the thigh gaurds to the boot better. They would slide to the bottom of the boot and wound up cutting into the top of my foot. I'll use some velcro to secure them to the upper part of the boot better. I also ran into a problem with the entire chest piece wanting to fall down slightly. Not sure why. I'll definitely need to work on some pieces in regards to how things connect. I was also surprised at how limiting vision was at times. Wondering if other people go through that same issue with their masks. It was fun though and people loved. it.
Good vibes coming from that group in the picture; I am glad you all had fun at that gathering.
I thought the picture of the suit taken from the side was particularly impressive
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The result is amazing! It’s funny you mentioned Velcro in your previous post, yeah I was shopping for that just now, I’ll use that and a harness of some kind. Could you hear well in there? A long time ago I bought a small amplifier that goes in the ear (well where else) to compensate for the cowl.

Hats off to you for consider visiting the children’s hospital, I don’t even think I could handle it, and I do work in a hospital but for adults.