branches?!?!? you'd have to draw that out on top of one of those coins so i can try and make out what you are seeing. to me the arrows are pointing at a fold or knot in the sash that's going around his/her waist.
if you look at the second pic and compare it to my sketch you can see how i got him holding a bag in the air....the funny thing is in the blurry 1st pic it looks like the silhouette of him holding a severed head... but in the second pic its much more clear that he isn't.
if you look at the second pic and compare it to my sketch you can see how i got him holding a bag in the air....the funny thing is in the blurry 1st pic it looks like the silhouette of him holding a severed head... but in the second pic its much more clear that he isn't.
The middle coin is harder to see, but I marked what to me looks like the person is holding a branch and the items at the end are flowers of leaves.
The director on the commentary says the symbol represents peace AND strength. So a sword/shield and maybe a olive branch ? That's why I
wanted more detail if possible.
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