Another Highlander Disaster!


Sr Member
Well bad news guys! There is a pic on the net of these new swords. And its terrible.

This is the Connor, there is also a link to the Duncan. I feel extremely let down on this. I was hoping that Kit would have done better.

The Martos looked cheesy enough on screen in EndGame. This is just about as bad as it can get. In my opinion if they use these swords in the upcoming movie its already a shot against the movie. Its the 1st nail in the coffin. Hopefully they will wise up and contact Jose de Braga or another skilled craftsmen to remake it. Or even better get their hands on a formerly used handle from a previous movie and recast it. Or maybe use Sal's Genai. Or even the Albion, hell there was enough time spent invested in that project, why let it go to waste? Anything is better than this. I would hate to see this on screen.

Don't get me wrong I like the scabbard, its more reminiscent of the actual one Ramirez had. But the sword itself is not up to my standards.
Since when did Duncan's sword have a red jewel in the side of the hilt??? Bah. Looks like they based it off of one of those really bad chinese knock offs of the Marto sword of the dragon.
That is lame.

But be thankful JJ Abrams isn't re-booting the franchise.

The immortals would probably be battling it out with paint ball guns or something.
The tsuba was that thick in H1, its seen in the village scene between Connor and Ramirez talking about the origin of the sword and his last wife the japanese princess.
i was wondering about the tsuba being thick also, its like thats how they are balancing it out? beh, mine will be better lol

The original katana Tsuba from Highlander I was cut from from 1/2 inch plate aluminum. Been discussed on here many times. There was also no true Habaki fitting.
what did they use to get the copper color for the aluminum?

Yep, just good old paint.

If I was going to make one today I'd just make it with 1/2 plate brass stock simply incase of shelf/minor handling dings/scratches, or if I was going to make the Tsuba in 1/2 aluminum... I'd probably look at a gold color anodizing for durability.

Powder coat could be another option but I'd pass on it for 2 reasons: 1) with all the internal hole/recessed areas I doubt you'd get good overall coverage without a ton of excess powder buildup on the outside that will look bad/be too thick unless you overpowdered to get into those areas, wiped the outside off, and reapplied powder to prevent excess buildup. 2) I don't think there's any gloss or semigloss powders that would look like real brass, you'd be able to tell it was powdercoated by the sheen.
Like I said, the fake chinese hilt looks better and more connor-esque. Id rather buy the "functional" version of that sword than this piece of crap. Ive heard there are other close up pics of the hilt, and from what ive heard those people have said they want to stab their eyes out now having looked at the new design. I really hope this is just a crappy wannabe replica to the new movie design, I really do, but with the other marto in Endgame, I have no hopes now.

Until the remake comes out, im gonna reserve judgement, but if I do see this or any other half-assed effort in the remake, I'll just call bull**** and hope the movie and all involved can just burn in hell....

*kisses and hugs my Mentor's, H2 cast, and original marto* im gonna love these guys evermore, even the retarded, bastardized, inbred marto, now that this abomination has been unleashed upon us.

my two cents...
Its incredible seeing so called Highlander "fans" bash these swords when they
#1: Havent seen finished production versions yet (keep in mind, NO final production version has even been made yet, the pics circulating the web and on UC's sites are of the prototype)
#2: seem to fail to remember that our beloved Highlander 1 Hero Prop sword was... UGLY!

EVERY single attempt made so far at recreating these swords has been done by "idealizing" them...

Highlander fans need to understand that you can have your replica swords One of two ways

1: Exact screen accurate, and thus UGLY


2: Idealized, pretty and thus... NOT screen accurate.

Lets take the Albion/Filmswords versions for instance... Beautiful.....overpriced, but beautiful and idealized none the less....... the problem? NOT ACCURATE? Not by a long shot.... Now some will say "i dont care, its pretty than the real thing..." Ok... thats fine, but dont call yourself owning a Highlander replica, because its not.

Even Sal Daquila's Genei katana is not accurate to the movie sword, the head itself is VERy accurate, but its grafted on to Sal's handle... this was something we discussed and he did on purpose to make it his "own".... which is perfectly fine, because hes not selling it as a Highlander sword anyway.

The closest reproduction that has been accurate has been the mentors katana... and it was nothing more than a wallhanger at best....... VERY accurate... but also... well... ugly...

What Kit and UC have done here is try to idealize the sword.... Kit used the H2 as the MAIN style and added some H1 elements such as the thick tsuba and the brass tsuka pin.

Personally i think we, as highlander fans should be THRILLED that we have a FUNCTIONAL CARBON STEEL BLADED Highlander replica at an affordable price. BUT in typical Highlander fan fashion, "fans" feel like they have to ***** and moan about EVERYTHING..... nevermind the fact that they would be *****ing and moaning even MORE if they didnt make ANY replica whatsoever....

Some just feel like they have to complain to make it seem like they know more...... Fact is, this UC replica is heads and shoulders above the Marto, and a 10th of the price of the Albion one...
Well to me a $300 dollar wallhanger should at least be somewhat accurate. I am not looking for idealized, I have seen "idealized" and I did not like it. I want an official screen accurate prop. People who are looking for idealized props should just go ahead and buy the indie knockoff. It has a much prettier dragon on it anyway. And it is much more affordable for a wallhanger.

When I'm looking for an official prop, I want some semblance of accuracy to it, and for fifteen years I have had to put up with "idealized."
and you could just make your own to your own likeing...

Its incredible seeing so called Highlander "fans" bash these swords when they
#1: Havent seen finished production versions yet (keep in mind, NO final production version has even been made yet, the pics circulating the web and on UC's sites are of the prototype)
#2: seem to fail to remember that our beloved Highlander 1 Hero Prop sword was... UGLY!

EVERY single attempt made so far at recreating these swords has been done by "idealizing" them...

Highlander fans need to understand that you can have your replica swords One of two ways

1: Exact screen accurate, and thus UGLY


2: Idealized, pretty and thus... NOT screen accurate.

Lets take the Albion/Filmswords versions for instance... Beautiful.....overpriced, but beautiful and idealized none the less....... the problem? NOT ACCURATE? Not by a long shot.... Now some will say "i dont care, its pretty than the real thing..." Ok... thats fine, but dont call yourself owning a Highlander replica, because its not.

Even Sal Daquila's Genei katana is not accurate to the movie sword, the head itself is VERy accurate, but its grafted on to Sal's handle... this was something we discussed and he did on purpose to make it his "own".... which is perfectly fine, because hes not selling it as a Highlander sword anyway.

The closest reproduction that has been accurate has been the mentors katana... and it was nothing more than a wallhanger at best....... VERY accurate... but also... well... ugly...

What Kit and UC have done here is try to idealize the sword.... Kit used the H2 as the MAIN style and added some H1 elements such as the thick tsuba and the brass tsuka pin.

Personally i think we, as highlander fans should be THRILLED that we have a FUNCTIONAL CARBON STEEL BLADED Highlander replica at an affordable price. BUT in typical Highlander fan fashion, "fans" feel like they have to ***** and moan about EVERYTHING..... nevermind the fact that they would be *****ing and moaning even MORE if they didnt make ANY replica whatsoever....

Some just feel like they have to complain to make it seem like they know more...... Fact is, this UC replica is heads and shoulders above the Marto, and a 10th of the price of the Albion one...

Ok lets take into consideration we have yet to see a production model. I grant that fact. But still the prototypes aren't encouraging. You and I have both dedicated alot of time to researching these swords, film accurate and reproduction alike. I can't understand why someone like that would want one of these. But to each his own. I don't want idealized, I am more than happy with a rustic H1. Lets compare this to another prop we see here often, the Obiwan ANH lightsaber. Everyone has a pristine neat looking one but most of the guys I've talked to love their rustic beat up screen accurate one they made. It doesn't have to be pretty for me, just accurate. Most old school props weren't pretty but are still highly sought after.

Sal's Genai...... I really wish they would use his sword for the remake. Personally I like it, the mentors head on a Sal body, I like it. I want one. Just haven't had the cash to get it yet, but its on my list. No he doesn't sell it calling it a Highlander sword but come on, lets be real. You know what it is.... he doesn't have to name it. You can make your own Obi saber and call it the Teacher or something like that, people still know its the Obi. Not naming something is simply splitting hairs.

Albion/Filmswords..... If they use these atleast they will be adding some legitimacy to them. With all the time and money spent on the project why not? But hey its their choice of what they do. I'm just saying the molds are sitting around collecting dust. Its true I am partial to them I admit that. But I am partial to them on a artistic level. Jose de Braga is a very skilled craftsmen. I wish he had recarved his H3 exact but it didnt happen. But when you have no reference material and the original was made 8 years prior well there's bound to be a difference. I wish their H1 was more rustic but it didn't work out that way.

My objections to this sword are of my own personal taste. And I don't think it will look good on screen. And if they said they weren't going to use it in the remake I'd be thrilled. I expected more from Kit Rae, I was hoping for something a lot better. If they use Sal's or Albions both could be made more screen accurate than this current offering from UC. Even a revised Mentors would be cool. This is not a sword to be put into a movie, these are swords for UC and their retailers to sell. Pretty little swords for kids to go in the backyard with and play "Immortals."

I have no beef with the Duncan, I think its a nice rendition of the sword. Just the Connor to me isn't up to par.

And for the record...... no one owns a real highlander replica......
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