ANH Obi Wan LIghtsaber with Crystal Chamber ( Modifications ect..)

In relation to this thread can it be verified that the battery for the pack is a 2223?

This is what spirit supplied us with on his second run I believe it takes a 2223 watch battery

Do you mean a 2032, 2025 or possibly 2330 or 2325? The first two are the most common coin cells for these kinds of enclosures (and small remote controls, etc.) - I've got at least 50 of each kicking around the workshop right now. The other two exist, but I've never had them in hand - wikipedia says they're popular in Russia though. :) Aside from that, coin cells aren't supposed to start with the number 22 (diameter in mm).
Do you mean a 2032, 2025 or possibly 2330 or 2325? The first two are the most common coin cells for these kinds of enclosures (and small remote controls, etc.) - I've got at least 50 of each kicking around the workshop right now. The other two exist, but I've never had them in hand - wikipedia says they're popular in Russia though. :) Aside from that, coin cells aren't supposed to start with the number 22 (diameter in mm).

I think ur right it is a 2025.... I have to dig through the threads when I get home

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Some testing before cutting wires and soldering
I wonder if it's designed for the NB or CF board.

It will fit Plecter's NB, Prizm, PC, CF, and NEC's Spark and Igniter boards (must separate the tru-drive part of the board) - the board you use has restrictions on which speaker and battery can be used. Let me see if I can dig that info up.
Features:- Multy sound board compatible
- 28mm TCSS Veco Bass/28mm KR-sabers Bass/28mm TCSS Premium Flat speakers compatible
- 1.3mm recharge port
- 3.5mm RICE port
- 18500 3.7V 2040mAh NCR18500A
- quick connect/disconnect clamp switches holder
- swappable top and bottom sound board covers (more variations to come later)
Designed to work with following sound boards/battery packs/speaker combinations:
- Nano Biscotte / 18500 3.7V 2040mAh battery / 28mm bass or premium speaker
- Crystal Shard / 18500 3.7V 2040mAh battery / 28mm bass or premium speaker
- Prizm / 18500 3.7V 2040mAh battery / 28mm bass or premium speaker
- Petit Crouton (single-cell hacked only!) / 18350 (IMR18350 8A discharge) 3.7V 750mAh battery / 28mm bass or premium speaker
- Crystal Focus (single-cell hacked only!) / 18350 (IMR18350 8A discharge) 3.7V 750mAh battery / 28mm bass or premium speaker
- Spark (TruDrive board must be removed) / 18500 3.7V 2040mAh battery / 28mm premium speaker (flat)
- Spark Color (TruDrive board must be removed) / 18500 3.7V 2040mAh battery / 28mm premium speaker (flat)
- Igniter (TruDrive board must be removed) / 18500 3.7V 2040mAh battery / 28mm premium speaker (flat)
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So, how exactly does the on/off switch fit into the saber itselft - having a bit of difficulty here. Anybody have pics?