ANH Hero DL-44 Discussion - Three ANH Greeblies Found

Re: ANH Hero DL-44 Discussion

I think that's exactly what it is.

I thought that's what everyone understood.
What was the other possibility?

To be honest, That wasn't my first thought when I first saw the flat area. I, and I think some of us here saw it to be milled off at an angle, as in the flat area was tapered.

Though now I realize a tapered barrel seems to make much more sense.

Re: ANH Hero DL-44 Discussion

Re: ANH Hero DL-44 Discussion

I think that nails it. unless someone sees something different

I thought at first that the angle seen at the top of the barrel was do to the barrel being naturally tipped down a bit. All guns have some degree of this angle to compensate for barrel being lower than the sights etc.

Prob some of that and a taper.
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Re: ANH Hero DL-44 Discussion

For those of us without machining equipment replacement barrels would be a good sell in the Junkyard... Just sayin'. :)
Re: ANH Hero DL-44 Discussion

The replacement barrel wouldn´t be the biggest problem - but the mounting of it, without a minimum of machines. The receiver needs to be cut at a precise angle (otherwise it looks :unsure ), and the receiver needs to be drilled centered within a few tenth of a mm. If not, the barrel sits anywhere. It could be done, but it´s no easy plug and play.
Re: ANH Hero DL-44 Discussion

Here's an idea I had for the Barrel Sight/Greeblie, it's not nearly finished, or even started for that matter. It's just a quick, mostly inaccurate model to get the idea across.

This is Completely open for speculation of course! Like I said, it's just to get the idea of it. :thumbsup




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Re: ANH Hero DL-44 Discussion

Actually, the Master Replicas Elite came with an accurate sight piece.
There was a big long thread years ago with accurate CAD models matched to high quality pics.

I blueprinted the "antenna" pieces and there was a run way back then.


The right side "antenna" broke off leaving just the left one. The center piece is a bit of T-track. The center ridge was broken or cut to look a little like a gun sight.
Re: ANH Hero DL-44 Discussion

Wow, that's a Great shot! Yet another I've never seen... I've seen the greeblie on the MR EE. But with that shot, it now makes sense. Thanks lonepigeon!!

Disregard My model everybody, it is now really inaccurate! :lol
Such tricky photos these are!

Re: ANH Hero DL-44 Discussion

I agree with that except that in the two pics below, especially the one with green background (full left side) you can see the "sight" is short, about half the barrel length between .500-.600 inch.

Those antenna as Lonepigeon said seem to have been on the prop and at least the right one still is in the "blue tint" pic

I don't see any big thick base for the sight which is why I recessed mine but think MR made it that way so it could be removed with two way tape and they needed a wide base.

You can see that the ball end does not show in the blue pic so it must be smaller than the sight which may have been T track/winsheild washer blade!

I think we can do better and still look the same but the front sight should be a front sight. there IS a rear sight after all besides the scope.

Re: ANH Hero DL-44 Discussion

The ridge of the sight is cut short - about half the barrel length like you said. It's not the long tapered ridge like the MR one.

The T-track and base are correct though. The sight does have the wide base just like the MR. You just need to look at better pics.
The same sight configuration is on the Merr Sonn blasters so there is a lot of quality reference.
Re: ANH Hero DL-44 Discussion


Is it true that the T track was in fact wiper blades? I heard that the origional Luke lightsaber used wiper blades
Re: ANH Hero DL-44 Discussion

Also, in that photo the Left side of the barrel looks to be fairly flush with the side of the Mauser. So it may be possible now that the barrel is offset to the right a bit, as discussed earlier.

Re: ANH Hero DL-44 Discussion


Is it true that the T track was in fact wiper blades? I heard that the origional Luke lightsaber used wiper blades

No, it's old cabinet sliding door track. Several samples have been found, but none completely exact yet.
Saberfreak sells the closest real track that's been found. Gino sells accurate replica track.

The wiper blade idea was an old urban legend for about 30 years.
Re: ANH Hero DL-44 Discussion

Here you can see the track.

Can get good size and scale from that

Base much thinner

Re: ANH Hero DL-44 Discussion

you are a font of knowledge and great pics!

Sliding door track? not sure I know what that looks like.

The lightsaber grips look like they have the right profile... could be cut to an angle easy too.

Close but no cigar

but the full left side image (in green) still doesn't look like it has a wide base. Looks like without the antenna, there is no base.

Seems to be cut straight down like my "sight"
Re: ANH Hero DL-44 Discussion

I think it should be like Chris' blueprint with the short angled sight blade and "thin -depth" base.
Re: ANH Hero DL-44 Discussion

So, when you replicate a prop like this, which version do you copy?

Make it as it "should be" or is now?
Re: ANH Hero DL-44 Discussion


Is it true that the T track was in fact wiper blades? I heard that the origional Luke lightsaber used wiper blades

We're not quite sure - but we believe it's actually a source of cabinet T-Track rather than wiper blades. If it's not the cabinet stuff, though, the wiper blades are the best bet.

That's the last piece of the Luke ANH (or ESB, save the hardware) that still confounds us. I doubt we'll ever know the exact source, but we may.

I see lonepigeon got here first. And here I was, thinking I was helpful for a change. :p

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