American Chopper: Senior vs. Junior

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Paul sr turned occ into a turn and burn operation. The artistry has long left occ with jason pohl rehashing jrs design to the point of exhaustion. The problem is that building a bike in the fast method you dont get a chance to fully appreciate the design.
Paul Jr. Designs « Shooters Images's Blog

I agree 100 %

I was trying not to show the pics of all the bikes they have been working
on while the new series is underway but I guess this entire thread has
turned into a spoiller..
will their welds get any better with the new equipment?

btw, how did Jr. pay for the water-jet?

I think they had an agreement that they would pay for it as the bike orders
came in.

Either way, They are getting great advertising for FlowJet..

The Geico Bike

Okay, I must have missed something, what happened with the three, Mikey and Jr and Sr that caused them to not talk to each other?
I like both bikes. Paulie is really going back to the roots of what made OCC famous. The Anti-Venom bike..while has some of the elements of the Black Widow, still stands on its own. Looks like a nice blend of hands on custom work and CNC/Flowjet work. The Geico bike looks great. I love the fender blending into the frame. It shows that Paulie can design state-of-the-art looking bikes as well.

I hope Paulie has seen the reviews and comments people have made about the poor quality of OCC bikes and learns from that. I think another thing Paulie should look at is to do some custom car and hot rods as well. That would follow his message that Paul Jr. Designs is more than just a custom bike shop.

As for Sr., I think that while he had some valid issues with Paulie, he does not seem to want to give Paulie any credit for helping OCC achieve what it has today. And for him to say (or the company that evaluated the worth of the company) that Paulie's 20% ownership is worth $0, is ridiculous. While it probably is not worth as much as Paulie thinks it is, if it was worth $0, then how could Sr. keep OCC open.

I can't wait to see what happens next.
And for him to say (or the company that evaluated the worth of the company) that Paulie's 20% ownership is worth $0, is ridiculous. While it probably is not worth as much as Paulie thinks it is, if it was worth $0, then how could Sr. keep OCC open.

Creative accounting.

You know how many Hollywood Blockbuster still haven't made a "profit"?
Senior is coming across as a real a-hole willing his son's business to fail.
I don't think Juniors designs are particularly spectactular but they're miles ahead of anything JP designs, his designs seem badly thought out and infantile he doesn't seem to have any imagination everything is literal.

Oh we're building a bike for a window company lets throw something together and stick some window frames on for mirrors.... :lol
I agree that Paul Jr.'s work ethic is different than his Dad's, he is more of an artist and I find that artists methods are different than the guy who makes a living welding 7am to 3 pm each day.

As to their legal argument, let's remember that Paul Sr. doesn't have problems with just Jr. but with his other son who bought his steel business as well. They have been mostly estranged for the entire show due to Sr.'s dealings with the sale of the steel business so I tend to support Jr. in the "who is right" debate simply because of Sr's history of apparent shenanigans. Of course, I'm arm chair "quarterbacking" here.
Senior is coming across as a real a-hole willing his son's business to fail.
I don't think Juniors designs are particularly spectactular but they're miles ahead of anything JP designs, his designs seem badly thought out and infantile he doesn't seem to have any imagination everything is literal.

Oh we're building a bike for a window company lets throw something together and stick some window frames on for mirrors.... :lol

Well lets not forget that Sr has been a total jerk to his kids most of their lives, i didn't see all the episodes about it but i know he was a mean drunk and would surprise me if he beat them senseless. Its no wonder Mikey stays out of all this stuff, he's the referee for the family.
The ironic thing about me particpating in this thread for me, is that I really have lost my desire to ride.

Just the opposite for me. I absolutely LOVE to ride. After my divorce, first thing I did was go and find another bike. What I discovered, was that while people rarely paid attention to riders...NOW they pay absolutely zero attention. It was so bad, I sold the bike. But the want is still there. Sadly, last year, I was at 3 fatals and this year, I've taken 4 fatals all being the fault of the "other guy" simply not paying attention. To me that's God's way of telling me..."Your riding days are over."

I was at a traiing earlier this year with some motorcycle cops...they actually handle the crashes and I asked if they noticed a spike. They all did, their theory is that people today have more destractions inside of their cars.

Family is one of the most important things in life...mostly your friends will come and go, your job will come and go (especially today)...but when it truly counts, family will always be there. What's happened between Sr. and Jr. over a business is sad.
Just watched the new series.

Wow. Paul Sr. really seems to have some issues, that's all he talked about was Junior - of course, who knows how Discovery edited it. But, Sr came off as very petty. You call into a radio show and ambush your sons like that and then blame them for it? Petty. He spent more time talking about his kids then he did about the bike he was building.

I haven't really watched the show much over the last few years. When it first came on, I really dug it... but the more it went to the personal side of things and less about the artistry of building the bikes the less I watched.

...and the more Jason Pohl got involved and the less Jr was involved in the actual design process, the less interested I became. Seems some of the dynamic was lost with the more outsiders Sr. brought in - and these folks were brought in because Sr. could control them much more easily than he could his son (well, that and the business expanded).

I'm glad to see Vinnie back - I hear JB and/or Nub might be working with them too. Hopefully the Jr crew will keep the spirit of the old shop alive, rather than depend on things that made the show less interesting.

I think Sr also has some major guilt issues from when he lived in the bottom of the bottle but isn't any good at dealing with them so he just treats everyone just as bad as when he was a drunk.

I hate to say it but the bike i just saw on tv for the "Meteorite Men" was neat and actually looked functional, it looks like its meant for them to ride when they're out in the field searching for rocks.
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