American Chopper: Senior vs. Junior

will their welds get any better with the new equipment?
It's not the equipment, it's the people using it. :p

Seriously, I've never seen one of O.C.C.'s bikes in-person so I can't speak to the quality of the welds and whether or not poor technique is responsible for so many reports of broken welds. However, having worked for a metallurgical company for 18.5 years, I can say there's a relatively simple process called a "stress relieve" that can be performed on the welded parts that would probably reduce the number of broken welds drastically. It's never been mentioned on the show, so I don't know if the Teutels or anyone at O.C.C. is aware of it; many professional welders I've spoken with aren't even aware of it. And, realistically, if you're simply welding a sign post, a guard rail, or something that won't be put under any real stress (like some of the detail items on Paul Jr.'s bikes), it isn't necessary. But for something like a motorcycle frame, handlebars, strut brackets, etc., I'd say it should definitely be part of the process.
Anyone seen the new commercials for the new episode? Jr and Mikey are on a radio show and SR goes nuts because they said that alot of people liked Jr's designs. Sr then says that those two had nothing to do with OCC becoming popular. I don't know who is more delusional in that family but it must be getting bad if Mikey's sided with Jr.
I don't know who is more delusional in that family but it must be getting bad if Mikey's sided with Jr.
If any of them actually believe anything other than the success of the television show is responsible for their popularity, they're delusional. If it weren't for American Chopper, I doubt they'd be known by too many people outside of New York.

As for Mikey siding with Paul Jr., I think it's like Sammy Hagar siding with David Lee Roth against the Van Halen brothers--neither of them really wanted to, but they sorta' had to.
True. its a shame that this has torn things apart and even worse that discovery is making a buck off a family self destructing.
INDY, as an avid Biker and collector, get out and ride at least once a week. You know the feeling you get after a stressful day. A quick ride to run errands or the market takes the edge off.

Back on the track, the whole OCC carny show is a joke.
Just goes to show that fame isn't always what its cut up to be, even more so if your family is already barely hanging together. Best thing for them to do would be to get out of the contract and go back to making good bikes.
True. its a shame that this has torn things apart and even worse that discovery is making a buck off a family self destructing.

That is one of the reason's I hardly ever watch Discovery anymore. It used to be one of my favorite stations, with shows like Wings. But when they got into these reality shows, that ended it for me.

Now, the only show I will ever watch on Discovery is Mythbusters, I just hope they don't mess that up and manufacture a fued between Jamie and Adam to try and raise the ratings or something dumb like that.
I don't think Jamie or Adam would put up with that. They'd build a robot to shoot the Discovery execs out of a cannon lol. All these reality shows involving families seem to end badly.
Sometimes he gets more than he bargains for lol. It is interesting to see some of the jobs you don't know are out there.
I catch it sometimes, but for some reason, he loves to gross people out with some of the dirtier jobs and I'm just not into gross out TV.
Ah, got it. Very rarely do I consider the show to have the "gross out" factor going for it, maybe because I find it so fascinating--I've had a few "not so great" jobs, but nothing compared to what some of these people do every day to earn a living.
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