Master Member
The thing about Alien is we don't know its life cycle, in the original ALIEN film, there has been restored deleted scenes in the Directors Cut, where Ripley finds Dallas & Brett they are cocooned to the walls & encased in resin & look like they are transforming into Eggs.Well I would have to check the years of the original, but how did they reproduce, all the face huggers? The company would have to have
known about them ahead of time. The biggest thing to me is, they have a ship, with all the Alien goodies, but they let float
in space? Than some crew, finds out, takes a ship ( nobody asking anything about! ), and gets right on board! I mean this company,
has been wigging out about this stuff, and they just leave a ship floating in space? There are a few other small things, I can't remember,
I have to sit down and think about it!
Oh, how did the Alien get fossilized? I guess it's possible for it to survive the engine blast, from it's tough exterior. The Alien baby, which
is just opinion, looked horrible!
We know nothing about how it reproduces until James Cameron introduced a Queen that lays eggs.
We see the population of LV-462 in ALIENS incased in resin in the Alien hive, & Newt gets captured & is trapped in the resin.
So we know that the creatures, not just the Queen can secrete resin
The pipes in the back of the creature perhaps??
The Big Chap that was harpooned out of Riley's Lifeboat must have encased itself in resin
There were no eggs in ALIEN: Romulus we see the facehuggers in plastic cases, the scientists must have grown them, perhaps extracting seeds from Big Chap then replicating them