Tired and repetitive, borrowing so heavily from all the Alien films before it, it never breaks any real new ground or finds innovation.
Never breaks any real new ground? Really?
-New component to the xeno's life cycle, never before seen. (The cocoon)
-Explains for the first time how xenos can sometimes grow so fast, other times take longer. NEVER previously addressed
-Shows androids in a TRULY human and caring way that has never been shown before. David was cold and despised humans, Bishop was 2 dimensional. Andy truly cares...shows real human emotion.
"Tired and Repetetive"
Why? because there were people, in space, fighting xenos... like every other Alien movie? That *IS* what this movie is. How different would it have to be before the complaint would change to: "nothing like an Alien movie... completely forgets what the franchise is about"?
"Borrowing so heavily from all of the Alien films before it"
That was rather the point of this: to weave them ALL together and attempt to make a disjointed set of films scattered over 4 decades actually WORK together. I actually appreciate that Fede Alvarez attempted to embrace the previous lore, and attempted to make it make sense with it's individual components, rather than just saying "Fuk it, Imma do my own thing, and who cares about what came before".
Im sorry, but your one line review sounds tired, repetitive, and never breaks any real new ground as it relates to reviews.