Alien: Covenant (Prometheus Sequel)

Re: Paradise (Prometheus Sequel)

I really hated the news they were going to turn the SJ into a ten-foot human in a suit, but on the other hand, they BUILT A NEW SPACE JOCKEY. It could all have been CG, but instead they built one, and it did a lot more stuff. Magnificent. And there was a lot more practical stuff than just that. SRS delivered a ton of spectacle, and did stuff in-camera that most people wouldn't, these days.
Re: Paradise (Prometheus Sequel)

The feeling I got seeing the Space Jockey being nothing more than a suit was akin to the feeling I got when I saw Darth Vader tromping around the Owen homestead.
Re: Paradise (Prometheus Sequel)

Dallas- "Looks like it's been dead a long time. Fossilized. Looks like it's growing out of the chair. Bones are bent outward, like he exploded from inside."
Re: Paradise (Prometheus Sequel)

I thought Prometheus was unnecessary, and very poorly executed. Certainly it has jack to do with Alien. How do we go from a stalk and kill monster movie to "the meaning of life"?

Having said that, there are enough interesting things going on in it that a real genius could redeem it with an excellent sequel that fills in gaps and rights some wrongs. I doubt it'll happen, but a guy can dream.
Re: Paradise (Prometheus Sequel)

Right there with you on all counts. It's a bloody stupid film that never needed to happen. It's a little ironic that the original straight-prequel script was actually pretty serviceable, if you can get over the suit thing. They broke that story, on purpose, in order to turn it into a franchise. But they didn't break it *enough* to make that approach work properly.

It could all have been sorted out with one more story review but as it is it would all take some seriously big brains to make sense of it. My guess is it will keep on getting more broken, instead. Oh well, I'll be there. I'm only asking for beautiful visuals and more of Rapace and Fassbinder at this point; all givens, so I'll be happy. I don't ask much of Hollywood any more.

Anyone seen The Last Days on Mars? THAT was a better Alien film than Prometheus. :lol
Re: Paradise (Prometheus Sequel)

Exactly right.

I read the original script. They were written to be larger to match the scale in the original Alien. There was a scene involving a dissected Space Jockey's eyeball where it was discovered they could see a greater array of light. It was described as the size of a softball. Man that would have been a cool scene!

Still have that script? Would be fascinating to read, I think, if stuff like that got deleted!

(Ditto the original for Prometheus, which got mentioned...)
Re: Paradise (Prometheus Sequel)

Dark Horse has a habit of being completely retconned by the next movie released, so I'll probably skip it.
Re: Paradise (Prometheus Sequel)

Still have that script? Would be fascinating to read, I think, if stuff like that got deleted!

(Ditto the original for Prometheus, which got mentioned...)

Man, I wish I had downloaded the Jon Spaihts script. It started off with this vivid deep sea scene where you think they are floating in outer space, because everything is so dark, but then realize it's all under water and they find another ancient hieroglyph . . .
Re: Paradise (Prometheus Sequel)

Man, I wish I had downloaded the Jon Spaihts script. It started off with this vivid deep sea scene where you think they are floating in outer space, because everything is so dark, but then realize it's all under water and they find another ancient hieroglyph . . .

That's all the clue I needed - found it as a .pdf file. Thank you!

(If anyone wants a copy, and either cba Googling it or your Google-fu is weak, hit me here backchannel and provide your email address, with the subject line "ALIEN: ENGINEERS" - since that's apparently what it was originally called. But, it took me all of 15 seconds to find it as a .pdf, half of that was waiting for the hits to come back and looking through the first five or so. Not at all difficult.)
Re: Paradise (Prometheus Sequel)

These "story choices" are just rubbishly poor . The Blade runner one is so obviously wrong, the Nexus Six were already almost identical and superior to human beings that they needed the Void Comf test to distingish them, their thinking processes being all that was detectably different, plus there were already well established space colonies .And David and Ash are what come after???? Terrible on all levels of concept and execution. Its supposed to be an ALIEN film, not Blade Runner 2 for godsake. I hated the idea of a second BR film anyway, the first one being my near perfect sci fi movie, particularly the final digital version.
The "Hell on Earth" idea is even worse. It doesn't answer any of the questions raised by Prometheus, just pushes it into a subpar Aliens "express elevator to hell" blast fest by the sound of it. How does that even fit in with the rest of the stories?. What a bloody waste.
I saw "Transcendance" and its really been the only bad disappointment I've had so far this year.The writer managed to produce one of the most boringly predictable and pot hole filled scripts I've seen for years and it felt a decade out of date. And it died at the box office. When I first heard he got the Prometheus gig I was hopeful ,but after seeing Trans I was immediately fear stricken.
If even I can work out two storylines that are far better than reading any of those alternatives , then lets hope Ridley shows a little of his old guts and courage and chooses something better than those listed in that article.
Re: Paradise (Prometheus Sequel)

First thing's first. Ridley has got to answer some questions. Too many plot holes, too many open ended questions with no answers. I understand the craving for more and to leave things suspenseful, but that's not how he did it in the first Alien. Why were the engineers in the security hologram running? What killed them? Why would they run to the room with the black goo. What the f%&* is the black goo really used for. Creation or destruction? A little of both? Did they create us, were we an accident? Why 2000 years into hyper sleep did he want to kill us and return to earth and kill everyone there? Why was there an Alien on the wall in the one room, but never around until the end when a mutant face hugging baby created one? Why did David feel the need to kill people for no reason? Was there some other agenda Waylon never explained?

Simple things. Beginning, middle, end, tell it! Ha ha. Sorry quote from another bad film. I liked Prometheus. It was visually genius and had so much going for it, but don't do the Star Trek mistake and keep coming back to Earth and make Earth in danger etc. It was a deep space horror film. That's what we wanted and hoped to see. Answer some questions, do away with the crazy plot twists. Maybe throw one in if you must. (Like, maybe we are the creators a few millennia ago and like David, the engineers feel they are more advanced then us now and want to do away with us.) Something like that I can side with.
Re: Paradise (Prometheus Sequel)

I just watched Prometheus again with the Lindelof/Spaights commentary. Lindelof admits he is pretentious about 15 times throughout the commentary. Apparently the commentary track was recorded before Prometheus' release, but somehow he knew that people would hate it. He spends most of the commentary trying to explain the scenes that don't make any sense. Most of the time his explanation is "we wanted to add more mystery" or something along the lines of "I changed it because I'm pretentious, sorry if you don't like it". Some stuff did make more sense after understanding where Lindelof and Scott where coming from, but it just didn't come across after deleting so many scenes and changing around the Spaights script. Almost everything interesting in the movie was originally thought up by Spaights and he seems very down to earth about it all. A couple times you could hear him cringe at the changes they made, but both writers give kudos to each other.

To answer your questions as I understand them after listening to what Lindelof had to say:

Why were the engineers in the security hologram running? - because they weren't able to contain the goo, there was an outbreak it it created some kind of monster - You don't see the monster in the hologram because "we wanted it to be more mysterious".

Why would they run to the room with the black goo? - Understanding that there is a complex tunnel system, there was probably another exit in that room somewhere. Or, they just panic'd, or it was bad writing.

What the f%&* is the black goo really used for. Creation or destruction? - Creation, but what it creates depends on . . . "well, we want that to remain mysterious"

Did they create us, were we an accident? - Yes, they created us, but apparently they weren't happy with the results. "why? we wanted to keep it mysterious"

Why 2000 years into hyper sleep did he want to kill us and return to earth and kill everyone there? - I think the plan was to dump black goo on us about 2000 years ago, but due to the outbreak killing all the engineers, they weren't able to complete the task. Perhaps the last engineer was in hypersleep before the outbreak took place, we will never know, "it's a mystery"

Why was there an Alien on the wall in the one room, but never around until the end when a mutant face hugging baby created one? - there is no acceptable answer for this IMO, just bad writing.

Why did David feel the need to kill people for no reason? - they kind of touched on this in the commentary, multiple reasons, none of which came across very clearly. Lindelof said David was under-impressed with his creators, but he was also carrying out orders to do whatever it takes to get the answers to immortality for Weyland. I don't think he knew what exactly would happen to Holloway when he gave him the goo, but maybe it would give him some answers for Weyland. Also, they wanted to keep David's motivations mysterious.

There are 1001 more unanswered questions I have about the movie that would all be answered with "we wanted to keep it mysterious" from Lindelof.
Re: Paradise (Prometheus Sequel)

I just watched Prometheus again with the Lindelof/Spaights commentary. Lindelof admits he is pretentious about 15 times throughout the commentary. Apparently the commentary track was recorded before Prometheus' release, but somehow he knew that people would hate it. He spends most of the commentary trying to explain the scenes that don't make any sense. Most of the time his explanation is "we wanted to add more mystery" or something along the lines of "I changed it because I'm pretentious, sorry if you don't like it". Some stuff did make more sense after understanding where Lindelof and Scott where coming from, but it just didn't come across after deleting so many scenes and changing around the Spaights script. Almost everything interesting in the movie was originally thought up by Spaights and he seems very down to earth about it all. A couple times you could hear him cringe at the changes they made, but both writers give kudos to each other.

To answer your questions as I understand them after listening to what Lindelof had to say:

Why were the engineers in the security hologram running? - because they weren't able to contain the goo, there was an outbreak it it created some kind of monster - You don't see the monster in the hologram because "we wanted it to be more mysterious".

Why would they run to the room with the black goo? - Understanding that there is a complex tunnel system, there was probably another exit in that room somewhere. Or, they just panic'd, or it was bad writing.

What the f%&* is the black goo really used for. Creation or destruction? - Creation, but what it creates depends on . . . "well, we want that to remain mysterious"

Did they create us, were we an accident? - Yes, they created us, but apparently they weren't happy with the results. "why? we wanted to keep it mysterious"

Why 2000 years into hyper sleep did he want to kill us and return to earth and kill everyone there? - I think the plan was to dump black goo on us about 2000 years ago, but due to the outbreak killing all the engineers, they weren't able to complete the task. Perhaps the last engineer was in hypersleep before the outbreak took place, we will never know, "it's a mystery"

Why was there an Alien on the wall in the one room, but never around until the end when a mutant face hugging baby created one? - there is no acceptable answer for this IMO, just bad writing.

Why did David feel the need to kill people for no reason? - they kind of touched on this in the commentary, multiple reasons, none of which came across very clearly. Lindelof said David was under-impressed with his creators, but he was also carrying out orders to do whatever it takes to get the answers to immortality for Weyland. I don't think he knew what exactly would happen to Holloway when he gave him the goo, but maybe it would give him some answers for Weyland. Also, they wanted to keep David's motivations mysterious.

There are 1001 more unanswered questions I have about the movie that would all be answered with "we wanted to keep it mysterious" from Lindelof.

Sounds more like a cult indoctrination than a movie commentary :lol
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