Airsoft question, prop related...


Master Member
As stated in another thread I posted, I'm (for the most part) scratchbuilding an M41A pulse rifle, with all intent of using my cheapy Crosman SPAS cage for the GL... (1:1 scale my azz, more like 1:10...)

But... After perusing Wan-Obi's files and measurements, the SPAS cage is +/- 13.63 in length, whereas my AS one is only 10.75 in length; So, other than me having to quarter my cage top, bottom, sides, and fill in for length/width/whatnot, can anyone recommend an accurately sized SPAS on the cheap?

Bear in mind, aside from entertaining the thought of installing a working counter, I want to try and keep this entire project down to less than $200 since it will more than likely wind up as a wall hanger. My game plan thus far is...

1. Airsoft SPAS cage
2. Shroud, mag well, collapsing stock, M1A1 receiver and grip frame, barrel and vent all scratchbuilt from HIS and PVC, shrouds being stiffened with expanding foam and receiver built around square basswood stock...

Any help would be greatly appreciated, and due credit given upon completion...
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To my knowlege, there are are no airsoft spas cages that are correct (too small) and the cage is notoriously difficult to replicate, which is whythe originals go for such high prices.
If you can build a PR for less than $200, you might as well turn water into wine, and walk on water.
Cyma makes a 1:1 spas cheapo springer that has a spas cage I've used to build a pulse rifle. I even put a cheapo cyma 870 pump inside of it, and attached it to the pump handle.

Works just fine.

I will post pictures later on after I get home.

The crosman is way too small man, unless you scale down the entire pulse rifle, it won't ever work.
If you can build a PR for less than $200, you might as well turn water into wine, and walk on water.

Not much into wine personally, but beer would suffice... :)

Noeland, if you can provide links for the SPAS and 870 that would be awesome...
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