A new Nurachi Urn - RESCULPTED 02/07/15 FINISHED CLEAN_Pag.2

It will fit PERFECT from the side of pics that we posted cause it was the same of the Lucas Archive book, the one that we follow.
It will fit PERFECT from the side of pics that we posted cause it was the same of the Lucas Archive book, the one that we follow.


I get that it's placed on their to match the archives shot. I am looking at the archives shot right now in the book.

The archives shot has the lid on the wrong way from how it is on the film. You said you can put the lid on either way but what I was asking is does it fit nice a correct turned the other way??????

I'm sorry if I was not being clear.

I get that it's placed on their to match the archives shot. I am looking at the archives shot right now in the book.

The archives shot has the lid on the wrong way from how it is on the film. You said you can put the lid on either way but what I was asking is does it fit nice a correct turned the other way??????

I'm sorry if I was not being clear.

Sure mate, you can put on both side ;)
Can't believe I didn't see this thread before. Already have an Azuma urn, which is great, but this one looks promising too!
Ok guys! We finished it! This is the base of a translucid resin!!!!

Now.... wait one hour and you can see it FINISHED (painted) in the Project Run zone ;)



That material looks just perfect!

jameth1971: Coins and pouch are still available at Indy Magnoli's website (http://www.magnoliprops.com/portuguese-gold-reis-coins-p-440.html). These are identical to the run markpoon once did. Markpoon also did the Eye of the Peacock. Don't know if he still have some of these left.

What I'm still looking for is a screen accurate antidote vial. I've seen a lot of them, but not many are really screen accurate...
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