A Ghost Trap

Idaho Jones

Well-Known Member
So I've made it far enough on my scratch built ghost trap, I thought I'd share with you guys. I used the great resources over at GBfans. I'm to the point where I know I need to weather it a little. But I'm really unsure on a good technique. Any advice for a beginner?

Still have a few detail's to wrap up but almost there.:)

-Knobs, vector plate I'll probably get from the guys at GBfans
-Sticker paper or waterslide for the decals
-Figure out how to simulate the front indicator light
Your trap looks great!!!!! If you have a Michael's or other craft store near you pick up some silver Rub'n'Buff. It works great and looks real. Best way to weather non-metal to look like weathered metal. :) Also if you need a tear drop knob and resistor for your trap send me a PM, I have one set left.
Well I got this finished, pretty proud, my best replica I've hand built so far.
Got a good compliment on the weathering, my Dad was over and asked why I scratched it up, thats paint on wood. The details sure made it pop.

Side view

Side View

Front View

A little imagination on the inside

Open Doors

Thanks for looking!