5 Foot Millennium Falcon markings survey

Hey all, I would like to second the request for more reference for the decals mentioned above by Robert...as some of you may know, I am one of the 'guys' that has been working on a studio quality set of falcon decals...but what is holding me up is that we still have a few decals that are unknowns and a few others that we have little or no reference images to work from...so if ANYONE has better scans, photos, kit ID's, etc. on any of these please let me know, thanks...

still need better images of this decal (#113 on tracker)
View attachment 461457

Update: Item #113 has been determined to be from Microscale sheet 72-134 (P-39 Airacobras) and represents the squadron marking for RAF 601 squadron (which tested the P-39's briefly.)

Will include this in the next file update. Regards, Robert


  • MS_72_134_Airacobras.JPG
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New, minor update found on GenMod version of this topic: Click HERE. Expect updated Tracker to be uploaded to HRSM website this weekend (April 25/26) Cheers!
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Bump! Another, minor update found on GenMod forum version of this topic: Click HERE for details. Expect updated Tracker to be uploaded to HRSM website this weekend (Now May 2/3)

Keep plugging everyone. Cheers!

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New updates to the GenModeling thread; Also, the Tracker & Images archives have been updated on the HRSM website:

Latest updates on the HRSM website, link HERE to download:
1. Decal Tracker spreadsheet showing all discovered decals (best to date) Multiple tabs show all locations of each design found.
2. ZIPPED folder file of all the collected images (less a couple) of the decals to date - including some not present on the 5-footer any longer!
3. NEW! Initial collection of placement diagrams made using previously published images; if the owners of those images want me to include credit info in the images, please let me know.

Thanks again for all the contributions from the RPF community (and beyond) that is making this survey database possible. Enjoy!

Regards, Robert
I have determined an interesting point regarding Item #103 (yellow & black 'RESCUE' block.) IMURME had discovered this missing decal using period images, located on the starboard docking hatch's upper inner plate. While I have been cleaning up my images archive & Decal Tracker info, I had assumed I would map this decal in it's original position. However, I found that instead, there was decal residue located on the PORT inner hatch plate detail at the bottom, indicating that the two inner hatches had been swapped & the port one inverted. This is evident when comparison is made between the inner hatch orientations, which have a bit of asymmetric detail along one edge so you can see if the plates are 'upside down' or not. So, currently the 'original' starboard inner hatch is on the port side, upside down. Both are now unique as they are showing different degrees of missing parts.

Obviously, these are removable to facilitate access to the lateral armature mounting points, and at some point they were swapped (perhaps many times... being basically identical it doesn't really matter.)

One thing, however: Does anyone has a period image showing the Port docking port? I'd like to confirm if possible whether both sides had the tattered red block centered on the top octagonal, textured plate of the 'outer' port hatch. As the Port docking port is missing both the top and bottom textured plates, and the Starboard one has this decal detail, it would be nice to confirm if the ILM modelers treated both sides the same.

I await your input. Regards, Robert
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Minor Update: I believe I have ID'ed item #89 which appears to be the 'MARINES' text from Microscale sheet #72-79, the same source as for the 'VMA (AW) 533' overlay & the small warning triangle + striped border square decals. It seems all they did is trim a bit off the top and bottom of the MARINES to make the decal strip. You can still see the "N" quite clearly, however and the spacing of the rest of the design looks to be a match.

Regards, Robert
Update for Item #126: a clearer image was found that shows a partial layout such that it is apparent this is yet another 'number string' gleaned from a Microscale railroading decal sheet. In fact, the remaining characters shows it would be part of the same locomotive numbering string (from Microscale sheet #87-15 'Burlington Road Diesels...') as used in it's entirety below the 'DRIVE SAFELY' decal under the rear engine deck. Given the length of the decal residue in the image, the numbers would be (within plus/minus one number) "10114155626301"

Tracker Update: Added 'unknown decal #3' as Item #35 - previously vacated - for a "red & white graphic". Been searching for a possible source for this decal fragment, but no clear matches. The fact that all available images are somewhat 'fuzzy' is hampering the resolution. However, it is still possible to draw a passable version of the graphic for modeling purposes. This is located adjacent to the 'ACCEL' logo (Item #124) on the bottom 'jawbox' area.
Regards, Robert
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CLARIFICATIONS: I have been able to identify several of the 'tiny stenciled text blocks'. I was able to obtain a copy of Microscale #87-24 (originally 'RH-24') HO decal sheet, which supports the following findings:
Item #145: Text reads per the exemplar image below. The form of this block of text provided the clues to find it, namely the center-justified arrangement, plus the almost clear view of that showed the EX.W & EW lines both have a '10' in them, and the last line ends in a '5'. Surprisingly, there was only one of the dozen or so available candidates that met these requirements. [NOTE THE RULER MARKS ARE FOR INCHES]
This also turns out this is the text that is next to the 'tiny red circle' on top of the cockpit (Item #33a)

Item #130: Another block of tiny text, this is located on the end wall of the docking tunnel, above the docking port. It also is from sheet #24, and reads per the exemplar below:
Again, it was the general form of the archive image that allowed for a match to the original decal example.

Item #49: Now with a hi-rez scan, we can clearly see what this decal (resolved by Imurme) looks like, per the below exemplar:
no_49_exemplar.jpgunknown _no2.jpg
This is especially useful given only rather blurry images are available from the various 'walkaround' archives shared in the web.

I also picked up copies of MS sheets #87-23 & 31 so I can share findings from review of these shortly. All this information is being added to the Decal Tracker & the image archives (now enhanced with images of available exemplars, individual instance locations & placement maps) for upload to my club's website in a few days.

Regards, Robert







unknown _no2.jpg
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Item #87: Found it is sourced from Microscale HO decal sheet 87-2 (originally RH-2), per the exemplar below. Reference image from the archives shows the word 'CAR' at the end of the first line (actually, the bottom of the two lines because the decal was applied inverted) while the remaining 'arrangement' agrees perfectly with the red-outlined selection.

There is some question whether this was applied in more that one spot on the base of the "radar" dish, but as it now stands there is only one visible.

Regards, Robert
UPDATE: Thought I'd share the exemplar for Item #106 with everyone as it is one of the more subtle decals.:

The red outlined area represents the applied portion.
Regards, Robert
Thanks Mike J. I must admit, however, that having a copy of the actual decal sheets makes it a lot easier to sort things.
Here's one that is bugging me because it is so indistinct in the images, it would be tough to just draw it:
Item #35: A red & white graphic that is on the underside of the 'jawbox' near the 'Accel' decal.

Perhaps someone can give it a fresh perspective.
Regards, Robert
Started a separate thread to work on Item #133 specifically, located HERE.

So far, it appears as if the text reads as:

<undetermined small text>
<undetermined small text>
HYDRAULIC SYSTEM IF (I like 'IF' here though it doesn't fit as well)

Moving stuff around a bit, there is also this possibility:

<undetermined small text>
<undetermined small text>

Here is the original (click for bigger view):

Regards, Robert
I figured it must be 1/32. VacFormed - but now Alonzo Fonzo has found it on the Revell 1/32 USAF F-4 Phantom kit sheet! Check over in the other thread for the details...
Plus, that is the exact source for several other 'suspected F-4' decals, so this clears up several at once. Once again, the RPF community has come through in a pinch!
UPDATE: The #133 ID thread participants led to the determination that the decal came from Revell's 1974 issue of their F-4E Phantom II kit H-198. Found that it was printed somewhat illegible because it was a smaller sized text, so the image we have is an accurate depiction of the actual decal. What it was intended to spell out was, however, found on the Afterburner F-4E Slated Wing SEA Camouflage (#48-072) sheet:


So, there you go, another one 'in the bag'.

Regards, Robert
Applied the latest data to the Survey files at the hamptonroadsscalemodelers.com website. Click on over to download the latest versions of the Decal Tracker, Insitu image archives, Placement images & (NEW!) Exemplars images.

Thank you for your support. Enjoy!

Regards, Robert