2013 Nice-N Tie Interceptor Build

Finally got the time to finish this kit over the extended holiday weekend. I built it so that the wings can be fairly easily detached if ever needed (see photos Step 1 - Step 3) and the top and rear hatches are basically just pressed in place for ease of accessing the inside to change the battery in the box or even to replace a bulb if one ever burns out. Overall, I'm pretty pleased with how the kit turned out but due to a lot of the more delicate, fragile details especially on the wings requiring total overhaul, it was a lot more work than I anticipated. Masking the wings was a challenge as well. I wound up painting the black (solar?) panels first, masking them and painting the wings gray. The lighting on the outside lasers on the front and rear look really sharp but I was hoping the interior would be brighter than it turned out. Oddly, virtually none of my photos accurately show the correct slightly blue-tinged "Haze Gray" color although the one photo of the Tie Interceptor outside is close.

So here's my first Star Wars spacecraft!

Tie Interceptor Build Detail #22.jpg
Tie Interceptor Build Detail #23.jpg
Tie Interceptor Build Detail #24.jpg
Tie Interceptor Build Detail #25.jpg
Tie Interceptor Build Detail #26.jpg
Tie Interceptor Complete #6.jpg
Tie Interceptor Complete #1.jpg
Tie Interceptor Complete #8.jpg
Tie Interceptor Complete #5.jpg
Tie Interceptor Complete #3.jpg
Tie Interceptor Complete #2.jpg
Tie Interceptor Complete #7.jpg
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I quickly threw together this clip of my build...

My next build up will be the Nice-N studio scale Buck Rogers Thunder Fighter.
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