2012 Toronto Prop Party **JUNE 2nd, 2012**


Current floorplan

Dr_Slurpee has pointed out that I had posted an older version of floorplan.

I recommend all exhibitors take another look to familiarize yourselves.
If it helps at all I don't think I'll need quite as much floor space. Did a measurement last night and the stormtrooper won't fit in the truck with the HIC so I won't be bringing the mannequin. I'll be sure to bring the helmet though. ;)

The 'exhibitor' floor is now CLOSED!

For any new people who have tuned in over the last 2 weeks, unless you contact me IMMEDIATELY(within the next 24 hours), there is no more room to bring your stuff to display.

You are free to bring any items that you can carry, but the floor plan has been established and we are running short on time to make any more major changes.

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**UPDATED Raffle Prizes**

Current Prizes
1. SG1-Sodan Staff Weapon-open position(donated by tk1565 & B-Cam Design Studio)$400 value
2. Voyager Warp Core Simulation PADD(working)(gmprops & Jeff Morren) $350 value
Warp Core PADD - YouTube
3. Grail diary (Orange_Blend) $300 value
4. QMX Mal Pistol (slight barrel warp)(Caveneau) $70 value
5. Star Wars - Battle of Yavin medal - shiny (Markpoon's medals) $55 value
6. 12" Enterprise patch (micdavis) $40 value
7. Serenity screen-used bank note (Dr_Slurpee) $40 value
8. Laserpod-original(new-in-box) $40 value
9. ST-XI badges(Command, Science, Eng) $20 value
10. ST-Motion Picture poster(25x18) (Caveneau) $19 value
11. Superman Returns costume crest $10 value
I'm assuming you're referring to money for the shirts? I'll have them at my table and will collect money for them there. I will indeed be there early helping get set up.


Start time:
9:30 - 10am (or later) - Exhibitors
10:30 - 11am - General


Group Photo:


**If anyone has any questions at all...now is the time to ask.
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