2012 Toronto Prop Party **JUNE 2nd, 2012**

Demonstrators Wanted!

We would like to add a workshop/demonstration to the party.

Anyone who would like to demonstrate how they create or work on their projects.

If anyone works with special materials or does any kind of sculpting..Anything.

Just to show how you take an idea and work with it towards a final product.

Styrofoam_Guy is pretty good with adding lights to props, but I don't want to speak for him. S_G, let us know if you're interested in doing a small demo.
Yes I can give a demo on adding lights to your props.

If you have any specific questions, ask them here and if I didn't have anything planned already for the demo I will get something together.
That's great.

Maybe you can bring something you're currently working on.

I have ZPM that needs some lighting. I have the lighting part wired up but haven't been able to connect it to the switch. One prop for you to look at. hehe.
hey guys...

are the props on display only props that have been made? I havent constructed anything as of yet...maybe in the future!

I have a bunch of props like hellboys samaritan and the right hand of doom....predator skull.....sword of the ringwraith...MR lightsabres and blasters....some helmets?

let me know... im pretty stoked for this...I think its going to be fun!


Hi - got it noted for myself and the hubby (not on the boards but a prop builder still). We won't have much for display, but are there half-tables being assigned? I'm presuming they're the 8' x 2' usual hotel tables, right?

I'll be bringing the Jumper of my name, for certain, and probably a couple other choice items from the collection.
Finishing up my ANH Vader helmet. Looking pretty awesome, can't wait to show it off at the party! :)

On a side note, anyone planning on doing any buying or selling?
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Hi - got it noted for myself and the hubby (not on the boards but a prop builder still). We won't have much for display, but are there half-tables being assigned? I'm presuming they're the 8' x 2' usual hotel tables, right?

I'll be bringing the Jumper of my name, for certain, and probably a couple other choice items from the collection.

Yeah, don't worry, we'll find space for you.

If a half table is all you need, I'm sure there will be a few others who may not need a full table.
I don't have much, just a Portal Gun and 2-3 helmets depening on what happens in the next month so. Even half a table might be too much for me.
Here's a thought... You mentioned on the FB page that group photo would be around 1-2pm. Does anyone have a white syke?

If you guys are at all like me you have loads of nice props but no professional pics of them. Maybe as an encouragement to bring more stuff we could set up a white syke so that you can snap shots of some of your favourite props for posting on places like Yourprops.com

Just a syke and a tripod kind of thing. Bring your own camera.

For those interested, I am selling shirts to help cover costs. http://www.therpf.com/f13/canadian-propper-toronto-prop-party-t-shirts-144314


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That's an excellent idea but I don't have access to one of those. Can we make one,rent one, or buy one? How would we transport it? I have a small car. Do they fold up?

I"m going to bring my old Sony PD150 video camera and try and put together a video for the party.

Here's a thought... You mentioned on the FB page that group photo would be around 1-2pm. Does anyone have a white syke?

If you guys are at all like me you have loads of nice props but no professional pics of them. Maybe as an encouragement to bring more stuff we could set up a white syke so that you can snap shots of some of your favourite props for posting on places like Yourprops.com

Just a syke and a tripod kind of thing. Bring your own camera.

For those interested, I am selling shirts to help cover costs.

Thanks for the support Dr_Slurpee.
I think that's a great collage of images.
The arrangement of each picture is brilliant!
Looks like you must have spent a lot of time getting it right.

Killer job!
I'll be sure to pick up one of those.
That's an excellent idea but I don't have access to one of those. Can we make one,rent one, or buy one? How would we transport it? I have a small car. Do they fold up?

I"m going to bring my old Sony PD150 video camera and try and put together a video for the party.

Really all you need is heavy white fabric and some PVC pipe to set one up, nothing overly special. Just a smaller version of this:


As for the shirts, just placed my order on your other thread there Dr_Slurpee!
Just finding out about this. Great idea. Im 90% confirmed to attend. Debating whether to bring my props. about 20 Blade Runner guns and some other items. I'll have to see if i can figure out how to pack them, and if i want to sit and guard them at a table;)
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