1/350 NX-01, yet another build but dont get too excited!

Well here we go, i finished the lower half decals so mounted the kit on a brass tube, i needed that for the cabling from the ship. I then had to (with help from youngest daughter) invert the model, attach to the receiving pole on the base and thread all of the various cables through and connect up to the circuits inside. Unfortunately this loosened the pole at the ship end of the brass tube, i'm going to have to fix that. All of the various lights work but you wont see them all here as i couldn't catch the flasher on with the camera in most instances. I'll take a video later with some more pics of her when it is dark. I need to finish off the base with a couple more coats and then add the gold piping. Then i need to do the upper section decals (Can't wait) and finish off some light blocking that i have found now that i have her all wired up. So not finished yet but i am most definitely getting there!

Just a short vid, hopefully it will work OK. Give it a click and let me know.
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jimpeachey, Looks really good but I do have a question for you are the cells suppose to flash off and on like that or should they not stay lit constantly?
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They flash by design; the could have been solid or they could have been 'Spinning' this is just the way that i decided to do it. In hindsight i might have done it a different way but i was experimenting! I'm definitely not taking her apart to change it though :)
They flash by design; the could have been solid or they could have been 'Spinning' this is just the way that i decided to do it. In hindsight i might have done it a different way but i was experimenting! I'm definitely not taking her apart to change it though :)
That is cool did not no that it is the way those lights worked on your kit..keep up the great work on your kit..
I always feel that once the top section decals are going on that i am nearly there. Some of these a really subtle and quite difficult to get exactly into position but i think when all of them are on it will look good. Just some light blocking and touching up after that. I have the base to re-coat and mask off for the copper accents but i feel i am getting somewhere now. A friend of mine who is a top notch modeler is going to come around after that and show me how to use a mask or two to finish her off. · Updated​
2 minutes ago

I really like the work you did on the Aztecs,I been looking for a step by step video on how to do the 1/350 PL Enterprise Refit/A v2 - 5 Color Master Aztec & Paint Mask Set I bought but I am having no luck at finding one..I will keep looking..
Well the decals, less 80 or so tiny ones, are done. Though they are a pain they really do make a difference. I have never seen so many for one model! Getting the registry details on tells me i am close to finishing. remaining decals tomorrow hopefully plus another coat on the base which i then need to mask up a little and we should be nearly there, next weekend for the finished product perhaps, that would be nice.

Oh and this arrived today so guess whats next................................

That is really cool can not wait to see your build,How big is the Robot suppose to be and does that have a lighting kit or do you need to put lights in it..
Ranger, thanks again. The B9 is about a foot tall. There is no lighting kit included but ill put one in and also a servo so that the body rotates. I'm also going to put a sound chip in it so that i can play the robot voice, should be fun. Not before i finish this NX-01 though and i don't think that will be until next weekend at the very earliest.
Well i am trying to get the base sorted now, the Gold/Copper is to represent the coloured bands on the NX-01 Uniforms. I have decided that i will build another base for her in due course as i am really not happy with this one but here it is for now (with the odd gap). Im also going to use some wooden dowel to take some of the weight of the back end, this is a big model and i dont want it just keel over one day! Nearly finished, not quite but nearly there.

Well here she is in all her glory? I now consider my take on the NX-01 finished and ready to put on a shelf somewhere. I have learned a lot on this build, not least of which is patience and to remember where you put all the bits! There is a video to follow later but thank you all for the kind comments as the build progressed and feel free to continue commenting. Its been fun i can certainly say that and i have enjoyed the build.

love the screen on the base, awesome idea peach! she turned out beautiful, you should be really proud! thanks for sharing the journey.
Thanks Metal, the kind words are appreciated. It took longer than i wanted it too but i'm kinda happy with the end result. Time to open the next box!
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