1:1 Lego Stormtrooper blaster


Well-Known Member
Here are a few pics of my full scale Stormtrooper blaster made from Lego. I got this as a birthday present from a friend, and to say he's talented with Lego is an understatement. I was blown away by the detail and accuracy of it. I've owned a real de-act Sterling and have the MR version, and it's as close as you can get in size and construction.

He even put together a 50+ page manual for assembling it.

It's made from 990 black Lego bricks with no custom parts, every piece is available from exisiting Lego sets. AFAIK it is only one of two in existence, he owns the other one. His was displayed at Legoland in California when they had their last Star Wars day.





Any chance he'd share the plans? That's great work and i totally understand if he doesn't want to, but I would really like to try to make one of these.
Very cool.
And, of course, Happy Birthday!
Any chance he'd share the plans? That's great work and i totally understand if he doesn't want to, but I would really like to try to make one of these.
Very cool.
And, of course, Happy Birthday!

I'll have to ask him.

BTW my birthday was last May, but thanks :lol, I've just recently unpacked this after moving and thought I'd share some photos.
As a LEGO builder myself, I know that would have taken quite a while to design. He must be very talented, and know the E-11 well. Very awesome.
Really is. You wouldn't want to drop it or there'd be an awful lot of building to do... or is it glued together?
Now are all those Lego's legitimately snapped together? Or are some just glued together to create a custom shape?

I love lego and that is amazing!!!
If he ever made the plans available I would definitely be up for them :)

:thumbsup :thumbsup :thumbsup :thumbsup :thumbsup :thumbsup
Now are all those Lego's legitimately snapped together? Or are some just glued together to create a custom shape?


Every piece is properly connected, no hacks or glue, he wouldn't have designed it any other way. It is also sturdy enough to hold and wield without fear of breaking bits off. If anything, the weakest point is the scope rail.

The interior design is what makes the exterior shape correct. It's amazing what he did to have the grip and magazine angled correctly.