01 The General Lee 01

Robbie TPC

Well-Known Member
Oh boy, it’s my birthday today and I wanna treat you all with a few pics and clips of my little General Lee I build a few years ago. It’s a tribute to all 01 Dodge Chargers that where used (and destroyed) during the filming of the TV series I’ve tried to make it as accurate as possible, but also to make a reliable RC car to drive with. (please forgive me for my crappy English, I’m still learning)


The body shell is from a 1/8 scale HPI Savage monster truck, the chassis is custom made with parts used from a (donor) 1/10 scale Carson nitro RC car.
I wanted to built a RC General Lee that is strong, fast and very cool to drive with, it also needs to survive a major impact during landing when I take it of a (big) ramp.


The biggest difference between a normal 1/10 RC car and this one are the measurements and the plate work, I’ve used diamond plate to build up a new chassis that match with the wheelbase of the HPI Charger body. I also rearranged the layout of the electronics to protect the vital components against crashes.


Here you can see the difference between the Carson bottom plate and my custom diamond plate for the General.


Custom upper deck under construction,


I’m also very proud on the little figure (Bo Duke) I’ve placed in the car, it’s a toy figure that I found in a local supermarket. I amputated his lower half of his body to mount the rest of him in the car, the figure rocks back when the car accelerates and rocks forward when I hit the brakes. So the movement of Bo works on gravity/g-forces, sometimes it happens that Bo’s head makes a 360 degrees turn, just like Regan MacNeil in the Exorcist :lol

As you can see here, I designed the chassis almost like a tank, theoretically it’s (almost) indestructible, the only parts that can brake are the front and back suspension arms of the car.


Onboard camera, Flycam One.



A few pics before the maiden run, as clean as a virgin,






After a while it really starts to look like a real dirty General Lee,



It’s not a easy car to drive with, it has a lot of character and almost his own will. But with little practice it’s possible to tame the beast.
A few snapshots,








A few clips,

Onboard camera, please turn your volume down.


Well, that’s all folks, hope you enjoyed the pics and the clips, as soon this General is going airborne I’ll post the results on this topic.
Okay, that's just freaky... I looked at the first pic before I read anything and I thought it was a real full sized General Lee! Then I remember I was in the General Modeling Forum. :lol

Very cool. :thumbsup
Really liking the onboard camera! Any details on what model it is and how it's hooked up?

With the dirt on it, it really captures the looks of the real deal.

Great job!

Hey...where is Daisy ???

Really nice....you really catched the orange color !!!

Having been into RC heavily 10 years ago let me tip my hat to what must have been a lengthy task into getting the body done up so well!!! The pics are awesome and can fool the eye on scaling....it does look 1:1 at first glance! It's almost too pretty to drive ;) .....although nothing is too pretty to drive!

Enjoy that bad boy:thumbsup
OK I assume the chrome trims around windows and wipers are decals correct?

Great job, man!! That is awesome. I thought it was full sized too, at first. I was about to knitpick the rims. Boy, I would have looked like a real ass.
Anyway, thanks for sharing, that is too cool.
Very nice car, I am sitting here thinking that if you really wanted it to be a tank then use the Savage instead of a Car, but then to get the Look of a car you must use a Car. I have a Savage, and one of these years will finally finish my Roll Cage and break in a new engine and play with my Savage again... I had a little issue with a Bump at the top of a 200 Yrd hill, my Savage bouncing off about 20 Trees, Stumps, Rocks and Finally landing Upside down on top of a Stump with a branch Through the Glow Plug of my Engine.:cry Luckly the only real Major damage was the Engine and body. That is when I figured it was time to build a Roll Cage.... just have not gotten around to getting it finished got all the parts and most of the work done. Just need to find the rest of the hardware I need to get it to all tie into the Savage so it all supports itself.
That is too cool! :thumbsup

Ya'll need to put the "CNH-320" license plate on it, and it'll be perfect!

[edited to add piccy]
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Amazing work there.....I too, love that first photo, simply stunning!!!

Can't wait to see a jump video! :)
Wow, thanks a lot guy’s, I didn’t expect to get so many reactions from the users of this board.
I placed a topic about this car on a Dutch RC forum last year, and many reactions where all the same, On first sight I thought that I was looking at a real car :lol
I think that’s one of the biggest compliments a model/prop maker can get, many thanks.

Some details on this car are deliberately left away, for example the side mirror, if the car tumbles over his head the mirror is the first thing that comes off.
But, there are e few details I got to ad, the licence plate (thanks gunnerk19) and a roll bar inside the car to support the roof. Then I can remove the small side windows that are still in the car.

@ GF, Yes that’s correct, the ‘chrome’ trims are from the decals that come with the 69’ Charger body. I’ve made the decals for the front and back bumper from aluminium tape, the original bumper decals are grey and don’t reflect any lights like real chrome does.

@ Karlbud420, the camera is manufactured by a German company, it’s an older type. FlycamTwo is already on the market for about 60 euro’s I believe, and has better video/picture quality. The thing that holds the camera in place is mounted with Velcro on the roof.



I also made a transport/storage box for the General, if the car is completely destroyed it can even function as a coffin:lol



I’ve painted Yosemite Sam (always loved the character as a kid) on the door of the box, to protect the General :lol:lol



A few detail pictures of the chassis,




Short clip without the body shell,

Many thanks for all the nice compliments :cheers
Terrific! It would be cool enough as a static replica, but what a beautiful job you did recreating the General as an RC car. :love

The sound of the car in the first few videos reminded me of a very angry house cat. :lol Love the cloud the car leaves in its wake, too!

The onboard camera is an inspired touch. The view from the window on that bumpy terrain reminds me of the violent POV crash sequence from the opening of the original Planet of the Apes, combined with legs from Land of the Giants. It's great to see a momentary view of YOU there working the controls. Can't wait for some ramp-jumping action!

Really awesome work. Thanks for sharing this here! :thumbsup
Love your work Rob!
Where did you get your General Lee decals?
Are they self adhisive or water slide?