Alien: Covenant (Prometheus Sequel)

Whatever you thought of Prometheus, it was was beautiful to look at and at least tried to do something different. This looks so dull and generic it could be a Paul Anderson movie. It will be interesting to see if Scott has overcompensated for the criticisms of Prometheus, or whether the studios have, with this trailer cut.

I WANT to like this preview... want to very badly, but I just can't quite get there. I loved Prometheus because it was beautiful and different and tried to expand the universe instead of the formulaic "aliens run amok" story line. This just feels like more of the same instead of carrying on what we got in Prometheus. :(
Well I didn't feel anything watching the trailer. I wasn't a fan of the last one, pretty as it was.
It got interesting in the last five minutes so I guess they have completely abandoned following
space chick that goes to slap god in the face with her stolen alien craft with her android pal who is a head. THAT actually
sounds like some hard Sci Fi but looks like were back to some kind of cabin in the woods movie complete with shower scenes
and a mad slasher who happens to have a tail.
I WANT to like this preview... want to very badly, but I just can't quite get there. I loved Prometheus because it was beautiful and different and tried to expand the universe instead of the formulaic "aliens run amok" story line. This just feels like more of the same instead of carrying on what we got in Prometheus. :(

I agree, sort of. I still don't like Prometheus, for plenty of reasons, but at least they tried something different. This trailer, it doesn't look different.
Prometheus as a standalone movie, with no connection at all to Alien would have been great, even with the abundance of logic flaws. As it stands, it muddies up the universe in ways that are unnecessary. (The oft-made comparison of the Space Jockey origin to midichlorians is rather valid.)

From the minute that it was announced that Covenant would take precedence over NB's Alien 5, it has seemed as though Scott is trying to "steal back" the attention the series got after Cameron took over. This trailer further cements that. But one thing that will keep it from reaching the same height is that RS usually doesn't incorporate much humor into his films. And in general, there are few characters in his films that I ever end up rooting for, with the occasional exception. (The Martian actually succeeds in that area, far more than most of his other films.) Aliens works on several more levels than Alien does, not least because it manages to instill gung-ho humor while still portraying the most serious and dire horror, with characters whose fates you care about- including Burke. I predict Covenant will be suitably gorgeous, suspenseful and icky, but I really hope that the characters are more interesting than those in Prometheus, or even Alien. As cool as she was, even Ripley wasn't likeable until the sequel, despite showing her heart by risking all to save Jonesy. And I didn't care one bit about what happened to those in Prometheus.
Were the creatures in Prometheus considered bio-mechanical or just biologic?

As with the majority of Prometheus, that wasn't really clear :lol

There wasn't any hint of biomechanical, just the magic goo that seemed to do anything the plot required it to. I liked Prometheus for all its faults and would sooner a direct follow-up that attempted to rectify some of them as per CessnaDriver's comment. If it's just going to be another bug-hunt that riffs on the first two movies...I dunno. Hoping the trailer is just cut to look like greatest hits. Praying that it's not true that Waterson is Ripley's mum :wacko
Hmm... I kinda have a theory about this movie (and the evolution into "bio-mechanical") but it could be spoilery...
I don't think there was anything mechanical about them in Prometheus (unless the Engineers are considered biomechanical), but what if the remains of Fassbender gets incorporated into the Deacon Alien strains, and poof - Xenomorph like we know and love.

Were the creatures in Prometheus considered bio-mechanical or just biologic?
I don't think there was anything mechanical about them in Prometheus (unless the Engineers are considered biomechanical), but what if the remains of Fassbender gets incorporated into the Deacon Alien strains, and poof - Xenomorph like we know and love.

See, that's kinda along the lines of what I was thinking...
I love it! Yea the Acogs and Eotechs bug the hell out of me but I love the Scott/Cameron films. Ridley seems to be trying to get to the very uncomfortable/visceral aspects of the imagination. I dig that!!!
Were the creatures in Prometheus considered bio-mechanical or just biologic?

That is a hard one.

The Hammerpede appeared to be purely biological.

The mutated Rock Doc had some biomechanics to his look.

Shaw's baby was purely organic.

The "new" xeno seemed organic, but too hard to tell. It certainly did not have the stainless steel teeth we all know from the "usual" xenos.

The engineers seem to have some biomechanics. Apart from the wrap up pants, it is sort of it is hard to know the suit starts on them. The one that wakes seems to have hoses connected to his thighs that break off as he gets up. He is wearing a suit of some sort, but his neck has lines like gills.
I WANT to like this preview... want to very badly, but I just can't quite get there. I loved Prometheus because it was beautiful and different and tried to expand the universe instead of the formulaic "aliens run amok" story line. This just feels like more of the same instead of carrying on what we got in Prometheus. :(

I feel this same. I love Prometheus very much despite its flaws but nothing in this trailer really grabs me. I've watched it many times and tried soo damn hard to feel it but I just don't. I'm still looking forward to it and just hope when I see the movie I'm really sucked in.

I enhanced some screen grabs from the A:C trailer...

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I loved Prometheus. It may've had flaws, I might not have understood all of it, but I loved it.

I'm hoping there's more to Alien Covenant than what we're being led to believe here - this looks like another Alien movie rather than something that might move the series forward.

It also has Danny McBride. Not many actors take me out of a movie as much as this guy.
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