Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Pre-release) (Spoilers)

I love how people are getting bent out of shape over JJ stating Leia's no longer a princess. She's a General in this movie, and only one person slips and calls her "Princess". I'm betting Han. I think what seelsa73 is referring to above is this:

John Boyega revealed an interesting detail about the First Order’s indoctrination of their Stormtroopers, who are born to serve in their army and taught about none other than Luke Skywalker, who he has been told his entire life “was a villain who destroyed the benevolent Empire.”

Which I also like. And this shot:


And this has become my favorite poster so far:


...I'm just annoyed it's only one of the AMC mini-posters.



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Yeah I love that poster too. Oh and the way they twisted the truth to try and make Luke into a villain sounds great. :)

Trailer for Disney special on Friday night:








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Even if that EU is held up as still legit how does that require him having to wear pants with stripes down the side 30 years later? It's not like it's a law.

Maybe they are just really comfy and his favorite lucky pair of pants that he can't live without!! Personally I can't understand how those stormtroopers are able to walk around in full gear all the time without having a heat stroke or something!
Well if you read the article, the only thing that J.J. says is that she is narrating the "Eyes" portion. It's why he says eyes are important to her character. He doesn't say that she was doing ALL of the narration in the trailer and T.V. spot. For example the "The Force... it's calling to YOU" still sounds like Leia to me. Also "Just let it in."

I could be wrong of course... but those lines sound different to me completely than "Who are you?" and "I Know your eyes.." etc. I have no doubt and never did that those were spoken by Maz. But I think the other two bits I mentioned previously are Leia.
Well if you read the article, the only thing that J.J. says is that she is narrating the "Eyes" portion. It's why he says eyes are important to her character. He doesn't say that she was doing ALL of the narration in the trailer and T.V. spot. For example the "The Force... it's calling to YOU" still sounds like Leia to me. Also "Just let it in."

I could be wrong of course... but those lines sound different to me completely than "Who are you?" and "I Know your eyes.." etc. I have no doubt and never did that those were spoken by Maz. But I think the other two bits I mentioned previously are Leia.

But if we accept Maz as a mystic and spiritual guide the lines "The Force, it's calling to you..just let it in" assuming that dialogue is continuos in the film, isn't that exactly what a character like that would say? Leia, it's becoming more clear, is a war weary General and in a much more melancholy place in the film. That dialogue is wonderfully optimistic.
Possibly... but not only do we not know if that dialogue is continuous in the film, but also we don't know what leia has experienced in the last 30 years. For all we know, she may have taken her brother's word that she "has that power too, and one day will learn to use it as I have" and decided to see what the Force had in store for her, and once she "let it in" her life was enriched.

Or, maybe not... maybe she never dared to "Let it in" and has always regretted it. Now seeing another young Force Sensitive like herself, perhaps she wants to encourage Rey to do what she never had the courage to do.

Who knows (certainly not me) but what i do know is that those voice patterns sound different to me, and there is a plausible theory for how it could either be Maz OR Leia... and I guess we won't know till we know. :p
Maybe they are just really comfy and his favorite lucky pair of pants that he can't live without!! Personally I can't understand how those stormtroopers are able to walk around in full gear all the time without having a heat stroke or something!

I was going to say much the same thing, it's beyond the realm of believability that those pants are his favorite because they're lucky and/or very comfortable. It could also be that they hold special significance to him and/or sentimental value, a reminder of his past or something like that.

As far as the Stormtroopers go, you have to remember that in universe it's not just a bunch of vacumformed plastic, there's supposed to be more going underneath the armor like cooling, environmental controls, communications, etc. While in real life that big box on the back of the back plate is just empty space in the Star Wars universe it could be where a cooling system is stored so the trooper is able to stay nice and comfy no matter what.
Based on these recent interviews with EW and the rumors we have heard, it sounds that Han and Leia are very much estranged and have been for some time. We do know from some of the Journey to books Leia has started the Resistance as a separate entity from the Republic. We don't use any indication as of now she uses the Force in an active way. And all the promotional material shows her only under duress it would seem. We have read Rey is reluctant to accept the saber, a metaphor for her destiny, and is in denial about who she is supposed to become. Who better to show her the path? A Resistance General struggling with what appears to be a sense of grief or loss or the all seeing all knowing wizard?

Or maybe not. :)
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Based on these recent interviews with EW and the rumors we have heard, it sounds that Han and Leia are very much estranged and have been foursome time.

Wait a minute, are you saying that they're estranged because they've been or are having foursomes? Or are you saying that they're estranged but at the same time are still having foursomes? Either way, Han & Leia turned out to be a pretty freaky couple. :D
Based on these recent interviews with EW and the rumors we have heard, it sounds that Han and Leia are very much estranged and have been foursome time.

And I thought they were going for a PG-13 rating. I guess I was wrong.

Also, I think you meant to say "... have been having foursome time."
Wait a minute, are you saying that they're estranged because they've been or are having foursomes? Or are you saying that they're estranged but at the same time are still having foursomes? Either way, Han & Leia turned out to be a pretty freaky couple. :D

Opps! LOL!!!! Fixed but thank you for saving it for posetrity. :)
Ah, ok. I was going to say I haven't seen anything (outside of rumors) to give me the impression Han and Leia are estranged. But I don't have Twitter, so that explains that.
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