Jurassic World (Post-release)

He may have even had CG-enhanced eyes, and I think 90% of the creature, the body and a lot of the neck, were CG. The raptor heads really looked like rubber lumps. Even constrained, they would have benefitted from some degree of wiggle, motion - the appearance of trying to turn or tilt their heads, pushing even gently against the restraints. So perfectly still, and such an easy thing to enhance practically!

Definitely! His body was CG, just his head was practical, and probably enhanced like you said. Like was said before, there was no reason why the raptor heads in the constraints couldn't have been practical. They should have been for all the reasons you mentioned, plus having a real thing for the actors to look at would have only enhanced their performances. Seeing a real dinosaur there versus picturing one and looking at a tennis ball on a stick... no comparison.

Speaking of CG, I felt it was all over the place. Some scenes, especially with the Indominus, all looked great, while others, (the gallimimus') looked pretty bad. Seems like the B-Studio worked on some of the lesser scenes while on the main focus was on the Big Bad. It just wasn't very consistent.
There was no reason why the raptor heads in the constraints couldn't have been practical. They should have been for all the reasons you mentioned, plus having a real thing for the actors to look at would have only enhanced their performances. Seeing a real dinosaur there versus picturing one and looking at a tennis ball on a stick... no comparison.

The bulk of the heads in the restraints was a practical object on set - a non-articulated maquette. The actors were looking at still-life lumps, unattached from their bodies.
I was actually ok with almost all of the cgi. Much better than JP3.

I think the only part that looked bad was the gallimimus flock (as CaptainEO mentioned above.) The odd thing was I thought that scene looked amazing in the trailer. Either they changed it, it looks different due to the 3D, or I'm losing it.

EDIT: fwiw, here is a picture of one of the practical raptor heads.
I was dissapointed to see Private Pyle getting eating so early. They could have had him just loose an arm, and come back as a villain in the sequel.
Saw the movie twice, I really enjoyed this movie! My concerns are where they are heading for the sequel.

Yeah, I can't see many more good JP ideas...I'm sure the sequel will be either a rehash or so left field everyone will go wtf? But I can totally ignore the existence of 2 and 3, if 5 stinks I'll go ahead and ignore that too. JP 1 and 4 dovetail nicely and if those are the only ones I end up liking, so be it.
I was dissapointed to see Private Pyle getting eating so early. They could have had him just loose an arm, and come back as a villain in the sequel.
no body could equal no death, the raptors did get awfully distracted after we see the blood spatter. You never know!

I overall liked the film, but there were tiny things that I feel had they been changed would have really added to it as a whole.

I think instead of "heat sensors gone haywire" they should have had surveillance cameras and a bank of monitors for the security guy to check and see that she wasn't in the pen. In my opinion it would have more impact because humans are so reliant on our visual faculties, looking for something and SEEING that it isn't there is much more scary than heat signatures, something that we have no first hand reliance on or experience with. It would also serve to make Indominus a little less conveniently super powered, and the active camo made much more sense for a dino to be able to learn and observe the ability as she gets different reactions from the people observing her as she disappears. I've seen it mentioned in this thread, but it really is pretty unbelievable that she just KNOWS how to fool the heat sensors, that isn't intelligence that is magic.

Also the fact that no sane person's first step when a technical system goes down would be to enter the pen without first making a call to the tech center and getting a location read on the creature. I would have liked to see them go on a catwalk/skyway instead to physically look for her due to the monitors not giving her location, only to then be surprised as she smashes them and then Grady and the others could roll/fall off the walkway into the pen leaving the rest of the scene to play out basically unchanged.

My other little gripe, or a "if I had written it" would have been to get Claire some boots. Whether she found them at the old park where the jeeps were, or even later in one of the stores, I think it would have been a neat little character moment and subvert a bit of the high heeled damsel in distress trope (even though in my opinion she was far from that) aside from making sense practically. I know there is sex appeal in play, and they can't stop the movie for every little detail, but it seems to fit with her transformation and growing understanding of the situation at hand to discard the designer heels, stop being an executive, and let herself be a little freer.

Such a strange situation to be in with a movie when you really enjoyed it but almost hope they don't make a sequel for the sake of the world not losing the last shreds of believability. You want to believe that these people you grew to like over the course of the movie aren't dumb enough to repeat these mistakes (again!). I'll probably end up seeing it again, I know I missed a ton of easter eggs on my first viewing because it was packed! and I was sitting in nearly the front row.
I saw it last night and thought it was great. What was more important, my wife thought it was great and she can't stand JP2 or 3! Flowed real good. The slow build payed off with some nice action. I also thought the kids were less irritating than in previous JP sequels. Sure, there were some obvious product placements that bordered on, or literally were, commercials within the film! Did I miss one, or were the full line of Mercedes-Benz Vehicles in the film somewhere?

I thought the kid's mother was way too over-wrought in every scene (even given the impending divorce angle). She cried over the thought the kids were going away. She cried because the kids went away. She cried because the kids were away. She cried because her sister wasn't watching the kids! Then she cried when the kids were OK. No wonder her husband wanted out!

Also, CGI is the way action movies are made now. Crying about not using practicals enough is just not going to make the old techniques come back into everyday use. I'm giving JW a solid 8 out of 10 for a good popcorn actioner with all the thrill ride elements I came to see. And Dinosaurs!!!
It would be interesting to see what they'd do for a sequel, realistically, I think that they'd have to move away from the Isla Nubla and park concept. After what's happened in the past 3 movies and esp. what happened in JW there's just no way that Ingen, or Hammond's foundation could ever get the capital and insurance for another park. The most likely scenario, in my mind, would be to go with the Ingen-military angle, they have the embryos and B.D. Wong's character so they can engineer some more dinos. I can easily see things going wrong there, they are talking about training a highly intelligent predator hunt down and possibly eat terrorists and the like, in other words, training them to look at people as a food source, like that ever works out well.
I was dissapointed to see Private Pyle getting eating so early. They could have had him just loose an arm, and come back as a villain in the sequel.

I was a bit bummed (and surprised) to see Clarie's assistant get offed (offed; past tense). She was mildly hot. And typically in film, there's usually a reason a character is killed (i.e. they're protrayed as a bit of an a-hole).

When she ended up as fish food, I was left thinking WTF did she do to deserve to die...?
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I saw that one coming a mile away.

She lost the kids hence she lost her life! :lol

I was a bit bummed (and surprised) to see Clarie's assistant get offed (offed; past tense). She was mildly hot. And usually in film, there's usually a reason a character is killed (i.e. they're protrayed as a bit of an a-hole).

When she ended up as fish food, I was left thinking WTF did she do to deserve to die...?
Another gripe,
Those pterodactyls would not be able to lift a grown woman, let alone toss her about like a hacky sack to each other.
I was cringing because this is exactly the kind of cartoon like physics that rips me out of the moment that is a common
fail of CGI. Didn't get a vibe that they consulted much with paleontologists as the first film.
Another gripe,
Those pterodactyls would not be able to lift a grown woman, let alone toss her about like a hacky sack to each other.
I was cringing because this is exactly the kind of cartoon like physics that rips me out of the moment that is a common
fail of CGI. Didn't get a vibe that they consulted much with paleontologists as the first film.

I read about that too, their feet aren't built for grasping things and they probably weren't strong enough fliers to hold a grown woman either. The other thing is, they probably wouldn't be attacking the people either, I'm not sure what the natural prey for most pterosaurs were but I highly doubt that it was anything as large as a grown human, or even an infant for that matter. I think that the general hypothesis floating around is that most, if not all, were fish eaters.
I read about that too, their feet aren't built for grasping things and they probably weren't strong enough fliers to hold a grown woman either. The other thing is, they probably wouldn't be attacking the people either, I'm not sure what the natural prey for most pterosaurs were but I highly doubt that it was anything as large as a grown human, or even an infant for that matter. I think that the general hypothesis floating around is that most, if not all, were fish eaters.

Yeah my wife and I both were like.. WTF are they attacking people for? Let alone a helicopter? Maybe they thought it was a another animal after their eggs?
Would have been nice if there was some kind of explanation for the behavior. I guess I miss Dr. Grant's insight.
Yeah my wife and I both were like.. WTF are they attacking people for? Let alone a helicopter? Maybe they thought it was a another animal after their eggs?
Would have been nice if there was some kind of explanation for the behavior. I guess I miss Dr. Grant's insight.

The helo sort of makes sense, they may have interpreted it as you said, something to steal their eggs, or as something trying to attack them, but once freed in the park at large I didn't understand why they were attacking people.