GREAT actors in bad movies?

I think Denzel is a tremendous actor and I LOVED LOVE LOVED "Man on Fire," and I gotta admit it got to me when (SPOILER)......

he died in the end. Really got to me. Love Denzel. But yeah, he's made a few turkeys too. That recent one on the train? YAWN
Max Von Sydow in Flash Gordon

Seriously? :confused
I'm not going to attempt to change your mind, but that movie is well loved by many as it did EXACTLY what it set out to do. To make a campy movie that reflects the original serials but to update it with spectacular costumes, colors and visual effects. And Mr. Von Sydow's performance was 100% spot on to the true spirit of Ming. I don't think they could have captured the look and feel of the character with anyone else.
But that's just me :angel
Seriously? :confused
I'm not going to attempt to change your mind, but that movie is well loved by many as it did EXACTLY what it set out to do. To make a campy movie that reflects the original serials but to update it with spectacular costumes, colors and visual effects. And Mr. Von Sydow's performance was 100% spot on to the true spirit of Ming. I don't think they could have captured the look and feel of the character with anyone else.
But that's just me :angel

Agreed, great movie, great performance.:thumbsup

But, to each their own I guess...
Seriously? :confused
I'm not going to attempt to change your mind, but that movie is well loved by many as it did EXACTLY what it set out to do. To make a campy movie that reflects the original serials but to update it with spectacular costumes, colors and visual effects. And Mr. Von Sydow's performance was 100% spot on to the true spirit of Ming. I don't think they could have captured the look and feel of the character with anyone else.
But that's just me :angel

I love Flash Gordon. He was the perfect Ming. Plus an awesome soundtrack. I guess maybe you have to grow up with the movie to appreciate it fully. I am agreeing with you Funky. I am disagreeing with the originally post.
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John Malkovitch, Ron Perlman, Sean Pertwee, and Thomas Jane, In - Mutant Chronicles.

Just watched Sean Bean, Ving Rhames, Robin Shou, in Death Race 2. Danny Trejo was in it too, but these films are his bread and butter.
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Burt Lancaster in Bird Man of Alcatraz. I mean really, how'd he get wrangled into making a movie about a psychotic pedo? Apparently he never researched the real guy.
Sandrine Holt
Julia Roberts
Samuel L. Jackson

Are "great" actors? :lol :wacko

Hey, he didn't specify the term "great." As a result, people used the things that meet their requirements of being "great." Don't believe me? Due to a person's perceptions of what makes something great, someone could call into question your selection of "great" actors just as much as you have ours.

To quote the character Roger from the original Dawn of the Dead, "Don't knock it. It's got its own key."
Due to a person's perceptions of what makes something great, someone could call into question your selection of "great" actors just as much as you have ours.

Please. :rolleyes

Arnold Schwarzenegger while a tremendously successful man is not an actor in the same league as Pacino, De Niro, or Brando.

I mean really? :lol

Samuel Jackson is cool, but seems to only play "angry" really well. All of the actors I quoted play pretty one dimensional characters (maybe with the slight exception of Julia Roberts as her performance in "Erin Brokovich" was exceptionally good).

Oh yeah... Sandrine who? :lol

I would say that winning an Oscar qualifies as a "great" actor. But I guess that's just me. Or is it? :lol

Please. :rolleyes

Arnold Schwarzenegger while a tremendously successful man is not an actor in the same league as Pacino, De Niro, or Brando.

I mean really? :lol

No, but none of the three you listed could have played Arnold's parts in ANY movie he was in.

I'd say Eric Roberts. I think he's a good actor and he does a lot of crap. I don't know if he's a jerk or what because he's not in a lot of a-list stuff.
Please. :rolleyes

Arnold Schwarzenegger while a tremendously successful man is not an actor in the same league as Pacino, De Niro, or Brando.

I mean really? :lol

Samuel Jackson is cool, but seems to only play "angry" really well. All of the actors I quoted play pretty one dimensional characters (maybe with the slight exception of Julia Roberts as her performance in "Erin Brokovich" was exceptionally good).

Oh yeah... Sandrine who? :lol

I would say that winning an Oscar qualifies as a "great" actor. But I guess that's just me. Or is it? :lol


Okay, so you're saying what makes an actor or actress great in your point of view is because they won an academy award and not their ability to act and their performances in films. That's all you had to say. :p
Burt Lancaster in Bird Man of Alcatraz. I mean really, how'd he get wrangled into making a movie about a psychotic pedo? Apparently he never researched the real guy.

If actors only played nice guys, we wouldn't have some of the best movies out there. Sometimes they LIKE playing something that's against type or that is extremely different from them. That's how they improve their skills.
because they won an academy award and not their ability to act and their performances in films.

Huh? These two things are not seperable. You can't be a so-so performer and win an Oscar. Political as the Oscars might be at times, there is no denying the acting ability of the winners and nominees.

On the flipside I consider Kirk Douglas and Richard Burton (no bias here ;) ) to be great actors but neither have ever won an Oscar.

But I'll extend the olive branch. If anyone thinks actors like Arnie are "great"- terrific! :thumbsup

I really like Kurt Russell, but he has made some pretty bad films. "Captain Ron" anyone? :lol

If actors only played nice guys, we wouldn't have some of the best movies out there. Sometimes they LIKE playing something that's against type or that is extremely different from them. That's how they improve their skills.

I wish he'd played this guy the way he was, it would have been more interesting. Sadly i think back then playing the guy as evil as he was would have hurt the career and some of the stuff never would have made it past the censors.
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