Another prop room ... [updates throughout thread].

Re: Another prop room ...

I actually seen this collection in person, and while the PICS are amazing, it's nothing compared to actually experiencing it for real. It is an experience to say the least, I was inspired by Simmon to start my own Life sized collection, and while I'm in the infancy stage, It is quite the undertaking. :eek Excellent work my man!!!!



I've seen this collection a few times myself and it definitely was an experience. It was great getting a first hand look at the work of guys like Howard Studios or Bobby C. or even some of the sideshow statues that you wouldn't ordinarily see because its beyond ones means. Si's good people too. He hooked me up with some gifts on both trips. You can't always say that about people in the collectibles market.
Re: Another prop room ...

Weeeeeeeeell - my good ol' fortress of solitude is now officially a thing of the past. Had to dismantle it so it could be used as a bedroom for a family member:



All gone. Go bye bye. :cry

I still have a few projects that I'm hoping will come to a close before Monstermania this August.

Not necessarily my exit from the hobby ... just a minor bump in the road ... atleast that's what I keep telling myself!

I still have to snap some pics of all of the OT Star Wars weapons I own plus I just got in Phil's 'Darth Maul' bust which will replace the Sideshow piece that I own. Phil's work is quite amazing in person.

Anyway, that's my quick little sad update. Talk soon everyone and I wish all the proud papa's out there a very happy and relaxing Father's Day tomorrow!

Re: Another prop room ...

That's too bad. You really had a great prop room. Hopefully you'll find somewhere else to display them.
Re: Another prop room ...

Whoa. That sent a chill down my spine......
It's shocking to see the room like that!

Don't worry like I said to you before you'll be back up one day and it'll look better than ever!
Re: Another prop room ...

So, what's up with this...? New baby, or visiting relatives...? Either way, sad to see the collection moved to storage. I STILL haven't seen that Emperor cane put to use! :lol But whatever the reason, best wishes to you. :cool

Weeeeeeeeell - my good ol' fortress of solitude is now officially a thing of the past. Had to dismantle it so it could be used as a bedroom for a family member:



All gone. Go bye bye. :cry

I still have a few projects that I'm hoping will come to a close before Monstermania this August.

Not necessarily my exit from the hobby ... just a minor bump in the road ... atleast that's what I keep telling myself!

I still have to snap some pics of all of the OT Star Wars weapons I own plus I just got in Phil's 'Darth Maul' bust which will replace the Sideshow piece that I own. Phil's work is quite amazing in person.

Anyway, that's my quick little sad update. Talk soon everyone and I wish all the proud papa's out there a very happy and relaxing Father's Day tomorrow!

Re: Another prop room ...

My favorite room....EMPTY! :cry

So what's become of all your goodies? Storage or you selling them off? Hate to see the room like this, but I'm sure you'll be back with a vengeance in some form or another.
Re: Another prop room ...

That's too bad. You really had a great prop room. Hopefully you'll find somewhere else to display them.

Thank you! I hope so to ... I've got my eye on my basement though but best case scenario that wouldn't be for another few years.

I live right near you Simmon,,,,,ill hold your stuff :D

LOL! I'll let you know buddy! You're always welcome to stop by for a beer though ... :)

Whoa. That sent a chill down my spine......
It's shocking to see the room like that!

Don't worry like I said to you before you'll be back up one day and it'll look better than ever!

I'm hoping so as well Thomas. You know when I'm back up and running I'll be constantly on your back for design advice! HA! In the meantime, I do believe I have a Stormtrooper with your name on it! ;)

So, what's up with this...? New baby, or visiting relatives...? Either way, sad to see the collection moved to storage. I STILL haven't seen that Emperor cane put to use! :lol But whatever the reason, best wishes to you. :cool

Thanks my friend! I'm trying to help out a niece who is in need. She's a gentle soul and sometimes all one needs is a hand ...

Oh, and I still have your Emperor's cane which is a thing of beauty. I can't even begin to tell you how many times I've spoken to Thomas or guys like Tom Spina about where to start on a life sized Emperor project. I have the head, hands and cane ... it's just the darn robe and form that complicates matters.

I truly feel for you bro :cry

Thanks Alan - I'm going to have to live through you now! :)

My favorite room....EMPTY! :cry

So what's become of all your goodies? Storage or you selling them off? Hate to see the room like this, but I'm sure you'll be back with a vengeance in some form or another.

Thanks Matt! Everything has been packed and stowed away neatly. I may sell a few pieces here or there but for the most part I would still like to keep everything together. I have a handful of pieces on display throughout the house though.

Oh man. Sorry to see it empty :(
Awesome collection. Love the Karloff life size.

Yeah, that '31 monster really turned out sharp. It was tough to box that beauty back up. The monster shall rise again ... someday ... :)

Thanks again fellas ... I'll have some new photos soon of Darth Maul ...
Re: Another prop room ...

Thanks my friend! I'm trying to help out a niece who is in need. She's a gentle soul and sometimes all one needs is a hand ...

Oh, and I still have your Emperor's cane which is a thing of beauty. I can't even begin to tell you how many times I've spoken to Thomas or guys like Tom Spina about where to start on a life sized Emperor project. I have the head, hands and cane ... it's just the darn robe and form that complicates matters.

Well, my hat's off to you for being a positive influence, and I hope everything works out well for all involved. :thumbsup

As to the Emperor, I'm in the same boat you are about the form, but for the robes, have you considered Lord of the Props? I think he's selling those, at least in conjunction with the Gino/Cyberman bust, but he may sell the robes separately(??).

Whatever you come up with, I'm sure it will be as stellar as the rest of your collection. :cool

Best wishes bro. :thumbsup
Re: Another prop room ...

Wow...Dem busts...I don't know what to praise first -Say! Looks like all That Alien stuff is really taking up a lot of space - maybe I can take it off your hands- I'm a good samaritan like that.

**EDIT after reading up**- Wow here's hoping you get to display them again soon, I know how that scenario can be. Can't be helped
Re: Another prop room ...

That is awe inspiring. You are a true collector and make the rest of us look like weekend warriors.
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