Another prop room ... [updates throughout thread].

Re: Another prop room ...

Ah Simon, that sucks buddy about the room. We have both had bumps in the road this year, but deep down I think we both know that in the end, we will both be back in the game full steam ahead.

No matter how many times I look at your collection, I never get tired of looking at it. We should chat again soon buddy. Ill talk to you soon.
Re: Another prop room ...

It will work out. I had my room and my now ex walked out on me. I lost my house but through the madness of divorce I kept my collection and am back. You will have your fortress of solitude back. Keep your head up.
Re: Another prop room ...

Well, even though I lost my prop room a few months ago I still had a few projects in the pending que.

One of those projects happened to be a paint-up of Howard's 'Freddy Kreuger' bust and the fairly rare left hand that he fashioned for those who wanted to do a "Vs." styled life sized figure.

I already had a set of these which was used on my life sized display but I was never really happy with the paint. I chanced upon a second set and shipped them off to Rick Cantu who kindly did the finishing honors for me.

I think the results speak for itself ... those hand wounds look NASTY, and I mean that in the best way possible!

Extraordinarily happy with Rick's work (he also did my Pinhead and Chatterer) ... well, enough talk, let's see those pics:





For anyone attending 'Monstermania 19' next Friday I'll have this, along with Bjorn's "Predator 2" bust, on display!

Hope you guys like!
Re: Another prop room ...

i too love your Universal Monster stuff but the whole collection is simply amazing, i'm visiting NYC soon maybe i come for a private viewing :lol

Outstanding :thumbsup
Re: Another prop room ...

As a fellow horror fan, I have to say that your collection is amazing. The quality of the pieces is just amazing, and I love that you have a mix of new and old school horror icons. Truly great...
Re: Another prop room ...

I would've been freaked out to have Jason with his machete right there next to the door lol
Re: Another prop room ...

Even though my prop room is a thing of the past I still have a few projects stuck in limbo. Some of these projects have literally been years in the making. Here are a few that have been done for some time now but I never got around to snapping photos of ...

Cyberman's 'Darth Maul' - sculpted and finished by Phil:



Reaper tribute bust by Steve Wang:







Whaddya think?

Stay tuned, I have some '80's goodness coming up very soon ...
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Re: Another prop room ...

That reaper is killer man. Was that a full sized black lagoon in the back?
Dude make the basement into the new scene to many cool things to be packed away.
Re: Another prop room ...

Great to see you posting again buddy. Im sure youll get your room back at some point. Nice additions. Steves reaper is insane, great score!!! Talk to you soon bro.
Re: Another prop room ...

The Reaper has stunning paintwork & is a true piece of art.:love

It is always nice to see a rare character which not many artists would even consider attempting.
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