My BTTF Diet Pepsi Perfect Attempt *FINISHED*


Well-Known Member
Edit: The title was originally "My Pepsi Perfect Attempt" but since this isn't going to be a clear bottle I figured I should change it for you sticklers ;)

So I just got a 3D printer and my plan for this thread is to log my journey as I learn 3D.

I thought why not start with the Pepsi Perfect shaped bottle? That way I could offer it in any scale size anyone wanted plus I would learn a lot along the way.

After using @Gary Weaver II's awesome outline (Thanks to @MattgomeryBurns and @Jedifyfe for providing the image I was looking for) here's what I came up with


I am going for my first scale print this morning and will update as I have more details.

I hope you all enjoy!
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Re: My Pepsi Perfect Attempt

So my very first print was doing something I was familiar with so I could make sure everything was working correctly.

When I was a freshman in college in my very first graphic design course we had to design a logo using our initials. My initials are DK. So here's a quick sketch of that logo followed my recreating it and printing it in 3D.


  • dk123.jpg
    43.6 KB · Views: 125
  • dk1234.jpg
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  • 3ddk.jpg
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Re: My BTTF Pepsi Attempt

Attempt 1: So I scaled it to be just under 5" when complete and forgot to save my settings...So I have a little Pepsi bottle that is juuuuuust under 1" :lol


Attempt 2 is now printing. This one SHOULD be just under 5"

Re: My BTTF Pepsi Attempt

Attempt 1: So I scaled it to be just under 5" when complete and forgot to save my settings...So I have a little Pepsi bottle that is juuuuuust under 1" :lol

View attachment 694235

Attempt 2 is now printing. This one SHOULD be just under 5"

View attachment 694236

Do you have the BTTF Monopoly? You could print your own game tokens :)

Seriously, I wish I had a 3D printer. This is one prop I would love to print.
Re: My BTTF Pepsi Attempt

Success! This is just under 5". Exactly how I scaled it.


Next step is going to be a light sanding and a paint job. Not sure how soon I can get to that part. I kinda like it being pink! :lol
Re: My BTTF Pepsi Attempt

So given you have printed this, is possible to do one with the flip up straw.

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Re: My BTTF Pepsi Attempt

Looking good so far love the baby Pepsi bottle it's very sweet! Looking forward seeing one done and painted! :)
Quick after thought you could make a very very small one for a Lego set that would be cool :)
Re: My BTTF Pepsi Attempt

I have been looking at the cube that shows up on Facebook for less than 500.
You don't need a big printer to make big parts. All you need to be able to do is break the model down, print each part and glue them together.
Most print in ABS so acetone becomes a good bonding agent.

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Re: My BTTF Pepsi Attempt

I bought the New Matter MOD-T printer. $299 shipped from Amazon. It prints with PLA. I was up and printing my first object within 30 minutes after taking it out of the box.

So far I am very happy.
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Re: My BTTF Pepsi Attempt

WOW your model looks great. Looking forward to seeing the pictures of the print.
Re: My BTTF Pepsi Attempt

WOW your model looks great. Looking forward to seeing the pictures of the print.

Thanks for the compliment! I added a small hole to the underside of the lid as well as the bottle itself to add a little bit of straw for accuracy