JJ Abrams wants to know how Guri would have ended LOST

Yeah why would he care? It's over and done. I think they should have made a few more seasons.

Overall I was happy with the ending though, for the most part....
Yeah why would he care?

I would imagine because they went out of their way to say it wasn't Purgatory and then basically said it was Purgatory. I know that's the root of my dissatisfaction as an audience member.

I also sort of find it interesting that the storyteller's response is "Yeah, well, how would you have ended it?" I know he's probably coming from a point of frustration, but that is absolutely not the audience's job. That's the storyteller's job. The most that should ever come out of that guy's mouth is "Sorry you didn't like it; hope you like my next effort." because every time he buys into the postulate that the show's ending sucked, he undermines everyone's hard work on it and devalues the part of the audience that did like it.

That said, I can't wait for Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol. :lol
I also sort of find it interesting that the storyteller's response is "Yeah, well, how would you have ended it?" I know he's probably coming from a point of frustration, but that is absolutely not the audience's job. That's the storyteller's job.

Of course it isn't our job, but I don't find anything wrong with asking others how they wanted the series to end.

he undermines everyone's hard work on it and devalues the part of the audience that did like it.

I disagree. The work on the series is done, the release on DVD/BluRay doesn't change the ending and anyone who liked it can still choose to like it regardless of what anyone says including those who made it. If you want to talk about a series that undermined everyone's hard work and devalues the audience that liked it, Star Wars would be a more appropriate topic for that discussion.

If I had to choose between a series that's being constantly altered release after release or a series where one of the creators asks how I would have liked to have seen the series end, I'm going with the latter.
Kudos on your thread title, Larry. I love all the work Guri has put into explaining theories, and making vids on Youtube. Not sure why exactly, but this show really hit me, and has stuck with me.

I really miss it, despite not being satisfied with the ending. If I were to win the lottery tommorow, I would love to bring the cast back together and film one more season, and pretend it just didn't end the way it did.
Well, they said the Island wasn't purgatory and it wasn't. Purgatory was the flash-to portion of the last season. The events of the island were real.

Not sure of how else to end it. The flash-to was thought to be an alternate universe, they could do that. That, though, would be said to be taking it from Fringe i'd guess.

It would have been nice to see how the island was run in the hands of good people and not nutcases (Ben). An ending explaining all the egyptian construction would have been cool as well.
And any Lapidus is gold...except dead Lapidus of course

The thing I liked best about that Heaven ending is that Christian told Jack that they "built this place" so they could all enter the afterlife together, as all that was the most important thing they would ever do... and Lapidus wasn't there.

Because, obviously, saving everyone was just another day in his awesome life. He's probably immortal from shear awesomeness.
The best part of my San Diego was meeting Jeff Fahey and him saying when I left, "It was real cool to meet you, man."

I mean, I know he's an actor and all, but I really believed him. :lol
Yeah, he's in a show my friends Mark and Steve are producing for Skinemax, so I went to their panel. I got tied up in a meeting, but if I had got their early I could have got a pic with him. Then the world would have been torn asunder.
Any of you guys have the faintest idea just how surreal any discussion of LOST is for a non-LOST viewer? :)

Lapidus? Egyptian construction? Purgatory? Man, I used to think this thing was just another reality survival show.
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