Battle starship


Thank you!

(y)thumbsup:popcorn !!!


Never disappointed. Fits nicely in style with the landing gear. Well done!

Elevator cage should not look like a bank deposit tube... :lol
The very fact that I had this run through my mind means it will not be used by your own decree! Right? :angel

Thanks for the good tips for me.
I love that bank deposit tube!





Fantastic. Was it ever popular in Japan to have elevators play cheesy background music? In the US, it tended to be quiet, instrumental versions of popular songs. I could see the Cyclops' elevators playing toned down versions of "Ride of the Valkyries" or "1812 Overture" or some other military-themed tunes... ;)
That would make for a great scene in a movie. You follow a member of the crew as they board the elevator before liftoff, and the elevator is playing a quiet version of "Girl from Ipanema." The ship immediately lifts off and begins combat operations, and the the song gradually changes from jazz to a warlike march version of the same song... :D
That would make for a great scene in a movie. You follow a member of the crew as they board the elevator before liftoff, and the elevator is playing a quiet version of "Girl from Ipanema." The ship immediately lifts off and begins combat operations, and the the song gradually changes from jazz to a warlike march version of the same song... :D

It will be rather a very dramatic scene.:D
Also, it may need a women's voice, 'Ding! Floor 10. Hard wear department.'

Stairway to heaven - For the freight elevator ? :lol

It's sounds like nothing auspitious.:(
Red Zepp.... How old are you?

I can't thinking of this awkward scene

"...we should get some music in these elevators..."

:lol Sure you do.

Here's a cargo loading ramp.

It's the back side of the ramp.


Here's a top side.



Sliding ramp.

As I said before, it goes here.



turn over and see.














Thank you very much for looking.

Saw the first picture and thought ...and of course it will extend out and work, knowing Katsu. Then I got to picture 4 and of course there it is. :thumbsup

Superb craftsmanship my friend!

That is one major step for the little guys on this ship to walk up. Now for the crawler to haul the cargo up the ramp. :lol
Looks good. Reminds me of the millennium falcon ramps a little bit.

Thanks, Michael-san!
Saw the first picture and thought ...and of course it will extend out and work, knowing Katsu. Then I got to picture 4 and of course there it is. :thumbsup

Superb craftsmanship my friend!

That is one major step for the little guys on this ship to walk up. Now for the crawler to haul the cargo up the ramp. :lol

Here comes again!!


That would have taken me at least a week to design, probably a week to build (with all the 2nd and 3rd attempts,) and it STILL wouldn't have come out looking that nice...

You are too much underestimating yourself. tom-san, Thanks!

Lovely, just lovely.

Thank you, sir.

Awesome ramp

it will look great with those little cargo loading vehicles and containers you will now have to make for the ship :p

Definitely needs to build cargo, vehicles, more people, Katsu-san you need to keep this going a little bit longer

When I built the Planet Explorer a few years ago, I thought I build the small vehicle that may be able to contained in the cargo bay. I built it way about 3/4 and it has been deserted on the shelf of my work shack. This time it is not bad to build the things like that.:rolleyes






Now I am trapped again. That was a good cordinated set up.
You guys are really good at make me buy yours.:facepalm

Thank you very much!!!

Admiral Katsu Ackbar.
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Admiral Katsu Ackbar is on to us! He can't get a reading on our thoughts and suggestions voiced or unvoiced. He knows its a trap!

Now to sit back at the top of my tower and watch the creativity unfold... or more appropriately... fold. :popcorn:popcorn

Going through a lot of popcorn here... :D
Admiral Katsu Ackbar is on to us! He can't get a reading on our thoughts and suggestions voiced or unvoiced. He knows its a trap!

Now to sit back at the top of my tower and watch the creativity unfold... or more appropriately... fold. :popcorn:popcorn

Going through a lot of popcorn here... :D

The complexity and detail on that cargo ramp is amazing. Well done!

Thank you, my friends.

Now I'm spending a numerous time to catch up on graphic editor on PC and struggling for paint scheme.
I've grabbed the basic scheme and I can go on to a test coloring soon.


Thanks for looking!





Katsu - san ,

I’m trying to recall if you mentioned something about a Squid being part of the inspiration for this design ?

If that is the case , and you’re still planning to paint over the metal finish , would you consider a camouflage paint scheme for Cyclops ? .
After all , squids , octopi and cuttlefish are known for changing their appearance / coloration . It would be an advantage to meld into the background for a battleship in space .
Or possibly utilising the ( broken - jigsaw ) camouflage techniques used on real battleships during WW2 etc ... but with a futuristic twist ?
Just a few thoughts ;) .

Anyhoo , I’m sure that whatever you eventually decide upon will be brilliant anyway !

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Black with different colour greys on individual panels or sections for the ship
what other colour can you camouflage against in space other than black, as GED said above, your decision would be brilliant
Orange, yellow, and blue color scheme. :D No one would camouflage a battle cruiser with those colors. Best plan ever as no one would suspect till it was too late. In deep space it would not matter as there is little light to reflect what the colors are anyway.

Seriously, whatever you come up with will, true to form, surprise and delight us all. Back to munching popcorn. :popcorn
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