Universal Studios Star Trek Land (rumor)

I'm still sad that T2 is gone, but I also don't see the Hollywood area surviving this because there really isn't a lot of undeveloped area around the T2 show building. Bourne doesn't really fit Hollywood either (not that T2 did) but would more readily slot into the space without needing to overhaul the surrounding area. I really want Universal to get their hands on some of those Fox IPs and give us an ALIEN attraction
It would be nice to see something that could re-invigorate ST - I have good memories of the Vegas attraction, and could see bringing myself back to Universal Studios if they actually developed an environment like that.
I think putting it in at a new park would make more sense, instead of further cannibalizing the theming of that area in the park. Although to be honest basically nothing fits in its themed area at this point.
It would be nice to see something that could re-invigorate ST - I have good memories of the Vegas attraction, and could see bringing myself back to Universal Studios if they actually developed an environment like that.

The problem is, that's what I would want: a TNG/DS9 era immersive environment.

But I know there's very little chance they would ever so that. It would almost certainly be based on the current show, which I have very little interest in.
This thread is more than 6 years old.

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