Battle starship

Oh, Scot-san

Thanks for the comment and how are you?
I hope you are alright with your family.
I guess you earned many mileage as you can reach the moon.

Nose section under side







Thanks for watching,

Since this is a battleship, I'm assuming it will be outfitted with some pretty cool firepower, cannons, lasers, etc ?

And I see the Beefeater in the

Why all the weapons Pcoz?

Katsu-san is going for psychological warfare..
Just the sheer size and shape of the vessel will be enough. :) :)
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Since this is a battleship, I'm assuming it will be outfitted with some pretty cool firepower, cannons, lasers, etc ?

And I see the Beefeater in the

It goes good with a Tamiya thinner.

Why all the weapons @Pcoz?

Katsu-san is going for psychological warfare..
Just the sheer size and shape of the vessel will be enough. :) :)

Psychological warfare.....?
Like stab with a knife through the shower curtain?

This is true...what was I thinking, lol

You'll see :D

Thank you

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Oh, sorry for no updates so long time my friends.

Last October, my wife had a surgery if you remember.
This October, my 84 years old mother got a strained back.
She is living alone and doing everything on her own.
So I had to go to her residence and help her every holiday.
Shopping, cooking, house cleaning, that sort of things.
Maybe she should be in hospital but she wanted to stay home.
Now she is OK.
And a few days ago, I get back to my work shack and wasted whole 6 hours doing nothing but thinking.
I couldn't fix the design of the mid section. That was so painful.

Ok I will give another try on next week hoping that I can put up some updates.

Thank you very much rubble-san
And I'm so sorry for the late reply.

I'm so sorry to get you back so late.
I can't resist that eyes of the kitty.
OK I will try my best, Mikeee-san

I'm not sure the totemo kawaii! method will work on Katsu-san, but it's certainly worth a try... :D

Sorry for the late reply, Tom-san, it worked! The kitty is the killer:lol

Wow, 30 days without any news from Katsu-san.. :eek
Please, please, please, give us an update... :)

Sorry for that my Caretaker-san,
Give me few more days please.

All the best,


you had very good reason not to give us an update.. Family comes first!!!
Good to hear your mother is ok now...

We know you are always busy.. :)
Don't overthink the design too much. Keep it simple ...

Best regards,

"And a few days ago, I get back to my work shack and wasted whole 6 hours doing nothing but thinking.
I couldn't fix the design of the mid section. That was so painful."

This happened to me a few times over the last month, just stuck and couldn't seem to come up with anything.

But I decided that even if I'm just thinking its still progress, you have to have at lease a vague direction to move forward and if you go in the
wrong direction it can cause problems down the line.

So, don't be too hard on yourself mate

Thinking is still working

And as the old saying goes "The Death star wasn't built in a day"

Hope you mother is feeling better and the family are well.

Loving your progress

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