Deagostini Falcon. Anyone seen this?

Just a word of warning on the issues that supply pieces to the rear deck. Double check the instructions and compare to an actual photos of the rear deck. I've already found a few instances where they either tell you to put it in the wrong hole or the wrong orientation.

What is considered the rear deck, kokkari? Is that the piece with the round engine vents on top? Let me know so I can keep an eye out for the problems. And thanks for the head's up! :)

Yes, the section with the 6 engine vents. It's like they got super lazy and careless with the last issues. Arrows point to the wrong holes on occasion and then in some circumstances one page shows a piece facing one direction and facing another on the next page. Just have some reference of the studio model while your doing it and you'll be fine.
Wow... ScarecrowJoe and Darkside I truly apologize. How dare I have an opinion that differs from yours.

And Darkside, yes I am so pathetic. Maybe if I had a photo of me standing in front of a fast red car, holding a rifle, I'd be more of a man.

On a non-sarcastic note, I tried to be respectful of your insulting post, but you, and now the very behind-the-keyboard-tough ScarecrowJoe, have to start slinging insults at me for having a different point of view than yours. I answered your initial insultingly-toned post with actual FACTS taken from the DeAgostini literature. But all you both can do is call me pathetic and point out how I complained about something else in a post "a few days ago" (check your dates Scarecrow... if you're going to flame me for having an opinion different than yours, at least get the timeline right).

I'd suggest getting back on topic, but I'm sure you'll both have some more insightful wisdom to share in trying to keep anybody else here from disagreeing with you (what, do you own stock in DeAgostini?). Enjoy, as I won't be responding to anything further you brain surgeons have to say. Have a nice life (not really).

With all due respect (which is to say you deserve none),

Opinions are one thing. Whinny and complaining about absurd issues is another. As said before why didn't you discontinued the subscription of such a horrible model in the beginning? I will also stop any further argument with you. Its as useless as your neurotic complains.
Yes, the section with the 6 engine vents. It's like they got super lazy and careless with the last issues. Arrows point to the wrong holes on occasion and then in some circumstances one page shows a piece facing one direction and facing another on the next page. Just have some reference of the studio model while your doing it and you'll be fine.

Cool. Thanks again for the info and letting me know what to look for (though it'll probably be a WHILE before I get that far... maybe I'll put a yellow sticky note in one of the last issues to remind me to verify the correct placement when I get there).

Good to know! :)

Looks like you can set the voltage and change the plug, but what about the amps? It says UP TO 1 amp MAX, I think, but is that all it takes?

Not trying to be condescending.... If I understand your question correctly, as long as the model draws less than 1Amp, you're good to go. The load will only draw what it needs. For example, if your load is 500mA, and you use a 1Amp power supply, you aren't going to 'overload' the models electrical system, because you are using a supply that outputs more than is required.

Again, not trying to be condecending...that's just how I read your question.
Not trying to be condescending.... If I understand your question correctly, as long as the model draws less than 1Amp, you're good to go. The load will only draw what it needs. For example, if your load is 500mA, and you use a 1Amp power supply, you aren't going to 'overload' the models electrical system, because you are using a supply that outputs more than is required.

Again, not trying to be condecending...that's just how I read your question.

Yup, that was my question. Thanks.
Yea pathetic...

Wow guys, that's a bit harsh. I don't find it pathetic at all to voice a dissatisfaction with what amounts to a really expensive model from a company. They are big boys,I think as a company they should be able to handle criticism. I have issues with the company as well but for the most part am happy with the model itself. BUT it is a fact they advertised it much differently than what is actually supplied regardless of how it can be fixed. And this isn't a small company, they've been around and have a pretty large selection of kits. But even if you feel he's whining for no reason that YOU can understand, I don't think that warrants name calling of a fellow modeler does it?

Flame away if you'd like, but try to have a little understanding that not all have the skill set you guys might.

So for the nits that get upset over my saying "yea pathetic", it was in response to Scarecrow Joe's "How dare you" sarcasm... But again if you didn't realize from issue 4 on etc, that you weren't going to have to paint and detail the model 100%, you were blind. The fact's were before you from the start!

How you dare to bring up logic into this argument!? LOL! The guy was also complaining about a Randy Cooper kit a few days ago for what is worth.
Since you didn't get it but since you wish to take a personal stab..... yea it's awesome owning a real M4 rifle and a new mustang... Guess I should be crapped on for buying a new FX4 sport... Grow up.

Wow... ScarecrowJoe and Darkside I truly apologize. How dare I have an opinion that differs from yours.

And Darkside, yes I am so pathetic. Maybe if I had a photo of me standing in front of a fast red car, holding a rifle, I'd be more of a man.

On a non-sarcastic note, I tried to be respectful of your insulting post, but you, and now the very behind-the-keyboard-tough ScarecrowJoe, have to start slinging insults at me for having a different point of view than yours. I answered your initial insultingly-toned post with actual FACTS taken from the DeAgostini literature. But all you both can do is call me pathetic and point out how I complained about something else in a post "a few days ago" (check your dates Scarecrow... if you're going to flame me for having an opinion different than yours, at least get the timeline right).

I'd suggest getting back on topic, but I'm sure you'll both have some more insightful wisdom to share in trying to keep anybody else here from disagreeing with you (what, do you own stock in DeAgostini?). Enjoy, as I won't be responding to anything further you brain surgeons have to say. Have a nice life (not really).

With all due respect (which is to say you deserve none),
Wow guys, that's a bit harsh. I don't find it pathetic at all to voice a dissatisfaction with what amounts to a really expensive model from a company. They are big boys,I think as a company they should be able to handle criticism. I have issues with the company as well but for the most part am happy with the model itself. BUT it is a fact they advertised it much differently than what is actually supplied regardless of how it can be fixed. And this isn't a small company, they've been around and have a pretty large selection of kits. But even if you feel he's whining for no reason that YOU can understand, I don't think that warrants name calling of a fellow modeler does it?

Flame away if you'd like, but try to have a little understanding that not all have the skill set you guys might.


If the "flames get to hot, Bill, just use the "Add to Ignore List" feature for any member, and it keeps any of said-member's post from being viewable. Does wonders for the blood pressure! ;)

And thanks for your excellent and well-thought-out post. Discussing and debating things can allow you to see things from others' perspectives and maybe make you see things in a different light. Maybe it changes your mind, maybe not. But I think debating and sharing differences of opinion is a good thing... if it's done in a respectful manner. But there will always be bullies and those that are holier-than-thou no matter where you are or where you go. Luckily, on here at least, there is that "Ignore" feature. :)

Sincere regards,
So for the nits that get upset over my saying "yea pathetic", it was in response to Scarecrow Joe's "How dare you" sarcasm... But again if you didn't realize from issue 4 on etc, that you weren't going to have to paint and detail the model 100%, you were blind. The fact's werle before you from the start!

Now we are nits? Wow, you're a really nice person huh? Kind of funny I guess.

I'm sure that a lot of people saw this kit not living up to expectations but kept the subscription going because it was still kind of the best or easiest option for finally getting a fairly accurate and big MF. The company probably counted on that. Ironically, when I first noticed it wasn't going to be as easy, out of the box, as advertised, instead of cancelling, I started a SECOND subscription. I knew it was going to take a lot of work and that meant a lot of potential to jack it all up, so I wanted a second one for after I (possibly) learn my lesson. If I actually "nail" the first one, then I might like to do another in landed configuration, and I'm that much happier that i got two really decent models out of this. (I'm not counting on it, but there's a third option where it goes OOP and sells on Evil Bay similar to MR prices.) And so even though I still grumble about a bit of bait-and-switch, I shouldn't be criticized for sticking with it. I've got a decent sized stash (though much smaller now that I sold off most of it) and there's not a kit in there that I don't have complaints about. I'd have no kits at all if I just waited around for a perfect one. And as far as complaining, hey, to some degree, that's what these forums tend to be for.
Mike Todd
Honestly on this thing. In leiu of their crappy factory "paintjob" and half assed washes - I would have preferred at least that all the hull panels were molded in black ABS. At least then I could have done the scratch weathering correctly.

Honestly if you did not plan on at least repainting a factory paint job I don't know what to tell you... and as someone said it was obvious after the first couple of issues that they were not going to keep up wit the paint. and if you needed more hints there were the 4 Steve Dymso paint vids that I suspect they paid him to do...

Its a great model - learn to paint, and build it!

Jedi Dade
Honestly if you did not plan on at least repainting a factory paint job I don't know what to tell you... and as someone said it was obvious after the first couple of issues that they were not going to keep up wit the paint. and if you needed more hints there were the 4 Steve Dymso paint vids that I suspect they paid him to do...

Its a great model - learn to paint, and build it!

Jedi Dade

This! If you wanted all the work been done for you then perhaps modeling is not your thing.

I figure I would share a still of my completed model that my son and I did. We went more for the Empire Strikes Back paint job. It's not perfect but we are really happy with it. Maybe one day he can tell his son that he made this with his dad.

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