SNG studios Daily video

steve neill

Sr Member
Thought I'd post our show that's been going on for years now. We have made 517 shows to date. At our studio in Ventura California we make props, models, makeup effects, creatures and more for the studios, private collectors and museums. We have a 1500 sq. ft. tactility in beautiful Ventura. I work with my partner Mary.

We opened this studio a year ago this week. After my wife passed away in February of 2013 from a long battle with cancer I decided to move out of the hot valley in LA where I had worked for nearly 40 years in the film biz and start a new life. I met Mary who lost her husband to cancer too. We became friends and later partners. She is a talented artist and photographer and we work together every day on all these wonderful and creative projects.

Some of you here already know me. Some may not. But I have had a long career in Hollywood visual effects and it is still on going.

Art if you see this I was not clear what would be a good venue for this on the forum. This was the only section I could find that was general. As we make a lot of models I figured this might be best. But we have just been funded to make a short science fiction film and it will cover all the topics I listed above. so if you have a better spot for it let me know please.

Steve Neill

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Thanks guys. That's nice of to say.

It was another long day of Enterprise D, Skydiver and the sixth finger mask.
The Enterprise D like all star Fleet ships is a handful but every step of the way it beckons you for more as it comes to life. They are such beautiful things and the fact that they represent a hopeful future for us one day makes them even more inviting.
I spent most of the day scratching out windows, cleaning up the seams and poor joins of the AMT model. Painting and repainting where the sub assembles went together and of course more light blocking with this pesky clear plastic model. But it’s starting to dial in now and we are getting closer to that clear coat and decals.
I still have many windows to go and some more light leaks to get but she’s close.
The Skydiver needed a lot of red putty repair to the surface. When the model was sent to me by the client it had been sanded to death with 60 grit and most of the details are gone. So I need the surface clean again to do the scribing and panel lines before I can place all those small parts on the surface.
The Sixth finger mask was poured a 3rd time and this time it’s so thick you could beat a man to death with it. Good. In and few days I can pull it from the mold and paint it.
Lastly Mary traced out our Martian so next week I can start building the armature and start fabricating the body masses.
More tomorrow.



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Nice to see you here :) I love your show on Youtube. Watching every episode for a year now, very interesting and you are doing a great job with this models.
Your Enterprise-D is amazing ! Love that ship and what you made out of this kit.
Thanks a bunch. We are one Holliday until next week but Monday we are going to see my old Friend Rob Burman who will be making a a full head life mask of me for doing some prosthetic make up for our short and for my new batman cowl I'll be making. Mondays video will show the whole process. Should be fun and informative. You guys have a great 4th!

Great opportunity to do a little Steve Neill build up love! I believe my K'tinga was the second one you did and you did a video blog of her construction. Still cherish it!


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Tooth pain took me down the last few days and a visit to the oral surgeon yesterday. But I'm back on track. I did this life mask on Monday. I was in a lot of pain that day but the show must go on. Rob Burman made the casting for me which will be molded again in RTV so I can make any part of my face i need for prosthetics. I'm going to have a prosthetic for the Martians Attack SNG short film we were recently funded for and I can now finally finish my Batman costume for Halloween. Sorry about the sound the auto gain was on and I didn't know it until we got into the edit bay. Tried to fix it as best I could in Premiere.

As many times as I have done this to 100s of actors in my long career I haven't had one made on myself since I started in the 70's. It was a interesting experience.


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Nice to have you back on the RPF Steve, not that I have missed you (I never stopped watching SNG). Great video I have seen life mask being made before but never the whole process, thanks for that Mary.
Been watching your videos since Day 1 (the half studio scale Big E). Glad to see you back here.

Jin Henson's Creature Shop on SyFy really got me interested in mask-making so I'm enjoying your blow-by-blow development of The Sixth Finger mask.

Keep up the great work!


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Still a bit under the weather and starting next week more work to be done at the dentist. But its needed for good health so in the mean time I do the best I can until its behind me. Yesterday I got a bit of work done. A lot more today but here's what got done yesterday. thanks for the warm welcome everyone

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A bit more down on the sixth finger mask and the radio controlled Skydiver. Back to the D today.
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